apartheid-era signApartheid-era sign, part of an exhibition in the Apartheid Museum, Johannesburg, South Africa.(more) Racial segregation, sanctioned by law, was widely practiced in South Africa before 1948. But when the National Party, led by Daniel F. Malan, gained office that year, it ext...
Racial segregation and white supremacy had become central aspects of South African policy long before apartheid began. The controversial1913 Land Act, passed three years after South Africa gained its independence, marked the beginning of territorial segregation by forcing Black Africans to live in reserv...
Learn about apartheid in South Africa. Find out when apartheid started and how apartheid ended. Read about the apartheid state, laws, timeline, and...
(in the Republic of South Africa) a rigid former policy of segregating and economically and politically oppressing the nonwhite population. any system or practice that separates people according to color, ethnicity, caste, etc. Discover More
Define apartheid. apartheid synonyms, apartheid pronunciation, apartheid translation, English dictionary definition of apartheid. n. 1. An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, lega
Apartheid was a racist political policy in South Africa demanding segregation of the nation's white and non-white populations. During South African apartheid, more than three million black citizens were forced to move from their homes to segregated neigh
Day of Reconciliation, public holiday observed in South Africa on December 16. The date has previously been observed as Dingane’s Day, the Day of the Vow, and the Day of the Covenant.
Many people fought against apartheid over the decades and this era produced a number of notable figures. Among them,Nelson Mandelais probably the most recognized. After his imprisonment, he would become the first democratically elected president by every citizen—Black and White—of South Africa. ...
The meaning of APARTHEID is racial segregation; specifically : a former policy of segregation and political, social, and economic discrimination against the non-white majority in the Republic of South Africa. How to use apartheid in a sentence.
Apartheid After researching apartheid I found many points relating to the matter. First of all, let me give a proper definition for apartheid. It is a policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups in the Republic of South Africa. It is an Afrikaan....