PERAN APARAT PENEGAK HUKUM DAN LEMBAGA ADAT DALAM MENANGGULANGI TINDAK PIDANA PENCURIAN BENDA PURBAKALA DI KABUPATEN TANA TORAJAThis study, entitled The Role of Law Enforcement and the Traditional Institutions In Tackling Antiquities Theft in Ta...
URGENSI MORALITAS APARAT PENEGAK HUKUM BAGI SUPERIORITAS HUKUM DALAM UPAYA MENCAPAI KEADILANResearch on the importance of morality to the superiority of law enforcement officers in an effort to achieve justice law is a normative study. This study aims to determ...
Meanwhile the administrative punishment from police institution can be: (a) notification (orally or in writing), (b) the drawing of firegun utilization permit, (c) the delay of degree incline, and (d) degree incline.ANDREAN, NICKO
FUNGSI KODE ETIK KEPOLISIAN DALAM MENCEGAH PENYALAHGUNAAN WEWENANG SEBAGAI APARAT PENEGAK HUKUMThis study titled Function Code of Police in Preventing Abuse of Authority As Law Enforcement Officers. The problems of this research is the police code of ethics Is already...