Worldstage Uses Apantac openGear Scalers and Fiber Extenders in Madison Square Gardens Projection OnRead More The division of Central European Media Enterprises (CME) and one of Central Europe's largest commercial TV broadcasters has chosen the T#Read More KGW, Newchannel 8, an NBC Affiliate in...
型号 管理软件 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成线上购买,则最终以订单结算页价格为准。 抢购价:商品参与营销活动的活动价格,也可...
APANTAC Mi-16系列用户手册说明书 APANTAC LLC, 7470 SW BRIDGEPORT ROAD, PORTLAND, OR 97224 ***, TEL: +1 503 968 3000, FAX:+1 503 389 7921 Mi-16 Series User Manual
品牌: Apantac LLC. 保修期: 12 材料: 业延长器PoE延长器音频-视频延长器以太网延长器视频分 电源电压: 220V 工作电流: 10A 工作电压: 20000V 灵敏度: .0001 配件适用对象: 发生器模拟变换器RJ45避雷器视频交换矩阵USB延长器工 配套设备: MiniDE-4-UHD MiniDL MiniQ Mi-9 MicroDE MicroQ-S...
Us Nab 2020, Apantac Llc, 8k;uhd / hdr;test and measurement equipment / qos;signal monitoring;switchers: production and routing;video / content servers / video processing;format conversion;workflow solutions, media, entertainment and technology
We have tested the compatibility between APANTAC's SDI-DisplayPort converter Micro-4K-DP1 and EIZO ColorEdge 4K monitors. Note: This information is provided based on our in-house testing and we do not guarantee the compatibility in respective user environments. 2. Applicable Monitors ColorEdge CG318...
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Apantac有限责任公司是一家设计开发高品质低成本图像信号处理设备的公司。Apantac产品专门为客户提供灵活的图像处理和创新的技术解决方案,应用于扩展和信号处理 。本次展会展示了多画面分割器系列产品。
apantac llc is a leading designer and developer of high quality, cost effective image signal processing equipment. the apantac product line has been specifically designed to provide users with a flexible and innovative technology solution for image processing, and signal extension and processing. Add:...
APANA INC管理软件 Apantac LLC APB Buckets APC价格 ¥ 1000.00 起订数 1台起批 发货地 上海 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 美国Highland Technology T130 单通道皮秒 EOM 驱动器 ¥ 9999.00 美国Highland Technology J750 单通道紧凑型宽带放大器 ¥ 9999.00 美国Electro-Tech Systems Inc ETS 电荷板分析...