apache2 -d foreground 确保你有足够的权限(通常是 root 权限或使用 sudo)来启动 Apache 服务器。 提供可能的执行结果或输出示例: 执行该命令后,你通常会看到 Apache 服务器启动的日志信息,包括加载的模块、配置的虚拟主机、监听的端口等。例如: plaintext [Wed Oct 04 12:34:56.789012 2023] [info] Apache...
Running in foreground mode... renderd[3091]: Starting stats thread 访问 http://localhost/osm_tiles2/0/0/0.png 就知道行不行 <14>设置开机运行 为了让开机运行,需要发到 /etc/init.d里 [plain]view plaincopy sudo cp ~/src/mod_tile/debian/renderd.init /etc/init.d/renderd sudo chmod u+x...
How to Refresh Native Deeplink Application When In Foreground? I have a problem when I use deep linking android on react native. And when the application is in a foreground state when the application is triggered from deep-linking the application does not refresh... ...
Description This only affects Dbeaver CE for Silicon ARM Mac OS X. Querying any Databricks table produces the following error: SQL Error [500540] [HY000]: [Databricks]DatabricksJDBCDriver Error caught in BackgroundFetcher. Foreground thr...
_CONFIG:-persistent=1&timeout=5&retry_interval=30}," done IFS=$IFSO cat <<EOF >>"$PHP_INI_DIR"/conf.d/20-memcached.ini session.save_handler = memcached session.save_path = "${SAVE_PATH}" EOF fi # Run if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then exec "${*}" else exec apache2...
Running in foreground mode... renderd[3091]: Starting stats thread 访问 http://localhost/osm_tiles2/0/0/0.png 就知道行不行 <14>设置开机运行 为了让开机运行,需要发到 /etc/init.d里 [plain]view plaincopy sudo cp ~/src/mod_tile/debian/renderd.init /etc/init.d/renderd ...