apache-airflow-providers-amazon 8.25.0 Apache Airflow version 2.9.3 Operating System airflow@airflow-webserver-7d758d8f79-lcpnr:/opt/airflow$ cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)" NAME="Debian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="12" VERSION="12 (bookworm)" VERSION_CODENA...
apache-airflow-providers-common-sql >=1.14.1 Packages found in the meta.yaml but not found by grayskull: apache-airflow-providers-common-sql >=1.3.1 This PR was created by theregro-cf-autotick-bot. Theregro-cf-autotick-botis a service to automatically track the dependency graph, migrate ...
一、问题分析 我们知道,较之串行化的操作,并行计算将多个任务同时执行,从而充分利用了资源,提高了应用...
Airflow 的可扩展的 Python 框架使你能够构建与几乎任何技术连接的工作流。一个网页界面帮助管理你的工作流的状态。 Apache Airflow ODBC Provider、Apache Airflow MSSQL Provider 中存在任意文件读取漏洞 漏洞危害 如果系统未对读取文件的文件目录做限制,攻击者利用此漏洞可获取服务器上任意文件内容。
apache-airflow-providers-common-sql >=1.10.0 pandas >=2.1.2,<2.2 This PR was created by theregro-cf-autotick-bot. Theregro-cf-autotick-botis a service to automatically track the dependency graph, migrate packages, and propose package version updates for conda-forge. Feel free to drop us...
Apache Airflow Provider(s) amazon Versions of Apache Airflow Providers apache-airflow-providers-amazon=8.21.0 Apache Airflow version 2.8.3 Operating System Mac/Ubuntu Deployment Other Deployment details No response What happened The 8.21...
apache-airflow-providers-apache-livy v3.9.2 It is very likely that the current package version for this feedstock is out of date. Checklist before merging this PR: Information about this PR: Feel free to push to the bot's branch to update this PR if needed....
apache-airflow-providers-common-compat >=1.2.0 This PR was created by theregro-cf-autotick-bot. Theregro-cf-autotick-botis a service to automatically track the dependency graph, migrate packages, and propose package version updates for conda-forge. Feel free to drop us a line if there are...