答案是:根据RewriteBase规则规定,如果rewritebase 为/,将会匹配a.html,不带前面的反斜杠,所以上条语句应该写成RewriteRule ^(.*)$ blog/$1(不带/),不过实际应用上带上前面的反斜杠,也可以用,可能带不带都行。现在问题出来了,如果不设置rewritebase 为/ ,将会匹配整个网址http://www.xxx.com/a.html,显然这...
A rewrite rule can be invoked by placing it in your.htaccess file. Below are examples of how you can use these rules to customize your hosting experience. Note:Please remember we do not offer support to code this, nor do we promise to make your code work. Some of these codes work in ...
方法有两种一种是编译apache的时候就直接安装rewrite模块,别一种是编译apache时以DSO模式安装apache,然后再利用源码和apxs来安装rewrite模块。 基于服务器级的(httpd.conf)有两种方法,一种是在httpd.conf的全局下直接利用RewriteEngine on来打开rewrite功能;另一种是在局部里利用RewriteEngine on来打开rewrite功能,下面将会...
Apache模块 mod_rewrite 提供了一个基于正则表达式分析器的重写引擎来实时重写URL请求。它支持每个完整规则可以拥有不限数量的子规则以及附加条件规则的灵活而且强大的URL操作机制。此URL操作可以依赖于各种测试,比如服务器变量、环境变量、HTTP头、时间标记,甚至各种格式的用于匹配URL组成部分的查找数据库。 此模块可以操作...
Examples: http://updateweb.cn/w/rewriterule http://updateweb.cn/w/rewriterule.html; Apache Rewrite 规则详解 1、Rewrite规则简介: Rewirte主要的功能就是实现URL的跳转,它的正则表达式是基于Perl语言。可基于服务器级的(httpd.conf)和目录级的(.htaccess)两种方式。如果要想用到rewrite模块,必须先安装或加载re...
Here come a lot of practical solutions I've either invented myself or collected from other peoples solutions in the past. Feel free to learn the black magic of URL rewriting from these examples. ATTENTION: Depending on your server-configuration it can be necessary to slightly change the example...
Examples: http://updateweb.cn/w/rewriterule http://updateweb.cn/w/rewriterule.html; Apache Rewrite 规则详解 1、Rewrite规则简介: Rewirte主要的功能就是实现URL的跳转,它的正则表达式是基于Perl语言。可基于服务器级的(httpd.conf)和目录级的(.htaccess)两种方式。如果要想用到rewrite模块,必须先安装或加载re...
when the URL is not locally valid to a server. The following ruleset does this for us by the help of the map files (assuming that server0 is a default server which will be used if a user has no entry in the map): RewriteEngine on RewriteMap user-to-host txt:/path/to/map.user-to...
substitutionis the path to the actual URL, i.e. the path of the file Apache serves. flagsare optional parameters that can modify how the rule works. Let's create our URL rewrite rule. Open up the.htaccessfile: sudo nano/var/www/html/.htaccess ...
3).URL 统一资源定位符 http://www.sina.com.cn:80/admin/index.php http:// — ssl 安全套接字 www.sina.com.cn— 域名 :80 — 端口 http对应80端口,https对应443端口### /admin/index.php — 网址目录和文件名 4).LAMP安装说明 ①源码包安装 自定义 开发版本选择方便 效率高 ...