Congratulations on the successful graduation of the Apache SeaTunnel project from the Apache Incubator and becoming one of the top-level projects of the ASF. Your hard work and dedication to open source and dev-eco have paid off, and we are thrilled to see the project reach this significant ...
Congratulations on the successful graduation of the Apache SeaTunnel project from the Apache Incubator and becoming one of the top-level projects of the ASF. Your hard work and dedication to open source and dev-eco have paid off, and we are thrilled to see the project reach this significant ...
Congratulations on the successful graduation of the Apache SeaTunnel project from the Apache Incubator and becoming one of the top-level projects of the ASF. Your hard work and dedication to open source and dev-eco have paid off, and we are thrilled to see the project reach this significant ...
Congratulations on the successful graduation of the Apache SeaTunnel project from the Apache Incubator and becoming one of the top-level projects of the ASF. Your hard work and dedication to open source and dev-eco have paid off, and we are thrilled to see the project reach this significant ...
Apache Iceberg 于2018年11月16日进入 Apache 孵化器,并于2020年05月20日成功毕业成 Apache 顶级项目。比较奇怪的是,并没有看到 Apache 官方宣布其成为顶级项目,本文主要参考: 以及。
3.1、apache Ambari 正式退役( 2022 年初,Apache Ambari 于2022-01悄然宣布,项目不再维护,正式进入退役阶段! Ambari 回顾: Apache Ambari 提供了一系列工具软件,辅助集群管理员,进行集群搭建/集群管理/集群监控,从而使得大数据集群的运维管理更简单易捷; ...,如果试用过程中发现BUG,希望你能给我们的JIRA中提交一个BUG,我们会尽快修复。 2 编译相关代码 如何编译相关代码?我们以前有一个step by step的文档,介绍安装哪些软件,设置什么环境变量,修改哪些系统配置,编译安装什么第三方软件。但整个步骤比较复杂,如果某一步没有...
into one of the best open source data warehouses in the world, so we chose to open source at the Apache Software Foundation. As we all know, the Apache Software Foundation's projects in the field of big data are very influential, such as Hadoop and Spark and other well-known projects....
当前处于孵化器状态的项目在:All Incubator Projects 最好的Apache Incubator入门文档在:The Apache Incubator Cookbook 孵化器申请书 申请孵化器项目首先需要撰写申请书。 It' s not required to have a good proposal, but having a good proposal will increase the chances of a positive outcome. ...
Wilmington, DE — The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source projects and initiatives, announced on April 8, 2021 that Apache® DolphinScheduler™ as a Top-Level Project (TLP). ...