ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests timeout=600ProxyPass / balancer://Mycluster/ timeout=600 Timeout - Apache 2.4 set ProxyTimeout only for ONE, Apache 2.4 set ProxyTimeout only for ONE URL. I have an issue with Apache proxies. I was asked to let the connection between Apache and the web clien...
Timeout (core) >= ProxyTimeout (proxy) >= ConnectionTimeOut (proxypass) I personally wouldn't change ProxyTimeout and ConnectionTimeOut from their defaults unless there's a specific reason to do so in relation to your back end services. Depending on what clues your error messages are tel...
Timeout xx ProxyTimeout xx Replace the xx with an amount of seconds suitable for your usecase. Just play around with the numbers and check if it can fix your problem.
ProxyPass /aspera/orchestrator/my/images ! ProxyPass /aspera/orchestrator/my/stylesheets ! ProxyPass /aspera/orchestrator/my/javascripts ! # send the proxy request # @web_root starts with / if not nil ProxyPass /aspera/orchestrator balancer://orchestrator_cluster/aspera/orchestrator timeout=1200 ...
相对于Django的URL路由设置来说,Flask配置的方式有较多的不同。 下面来根据几个示例,来看看有什么...
Apache 2.2 mod_proxy timeout 最近将公司的后台http系统从apache 2.0 升级到 apache 2.2 ,将原来的mod_jk也升级为mod_proxy_ajp 与tomcat 6连接。 但今天开发人员在执行一个执行时间超长的脚本,结果在通过浏览器访问执行时,apache 报告了 503 错误。查看了后台 apache 错误日志,发现了下面的错误信息:...
I agree. I've also never seen this error on any of the other hosts I've set up a reverse proxy for. Normally, you'd get a gateway timeout error when the target host is not answering for$ProxyTimeoutseconds. This is obviously not the case here. ...
初学,简单的实现,为进行优化。 1. 假设NodeJS服务端监听3000端口 2. Apache反向代理设置 a. 在httpd.conf配置文件中开启代理模块 LoadModule proxy_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/ LoadModule ...
</Files> # Setup the proxy to PHP-FPM ProxyTimeout 900 ProxyTimeout 3600 <FilesMatch \.php$> SetHandler "proxy:unix:${SNAP_DATA}/php/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost/" </FilesMatch> 0 comments on commit 9469e44 Please sign in to comment. Footer...
ProxyPass /a http://some_ip/ timeout=1200 KeepAlive=On ProxyPassReverse /a http://some_ip/ ProxyPass /b http://some_other_ip/ timeout=1200 KeepAlive=On ProxyPassReverse /b http://some_other_ip/ ... and i do this for all my ProxyPass mappings ...