打开apache官网http://httpd.apache.org/ (或百度"download apache")。 点击Download,出现以下界面 。 选择Windows版下载,点击链接。 在新的界面中,会发现VC9和VC11字样,通过阅读相关内容得知,VC9是指用VS2008编译的代码,而VC11是用VS2012编译的,而用VS2012编译的无法在Windows XP和Server 2003中使用。算是为了兼容...
Although its use has declined over time, this webserver still maintains great penetration in the server market. With that in perspective, we will walk you through how to go about installing Apache on Windows 11/10. How to install Apache on Windows 11/10 Before you begin, you’ll need to...
window下Apache-http-server(httpd-2.4.12)安装与配置 由于Apache官网改变策略(2015年1月左右),官网不再提供Apache-http-server的windows的编译版本,但是提供了几个第三方的版本 http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/platform/windows.html#down 分别是ApacheHaus、Apache Lounge、BitNami WAMP Stack、WampServer、XAMPP...
接下来启动Apache HTTP Server cmd管理员运行,cd到apache的bin文件下,输入httpd.exe回车 apache011 - Windows安装Apache服务器 没有报错(看起来就像是卡在那里)说明服务启动成功,不要急着关cmd,关掉Apache服务就停止运行了,我们先验证一下Apache服务是否成功启动 浏览器输入localhost:60 apache012 - Windows安装Apache服...
1.Apache 安装 1.下载apache下载链接 2.将解压文件移动到目标目录 (整个文件目录最好用英文 不要有空格) 3.命令行注册apache 服务(不同于exe文件的安装) (以管理员身份打开cmd win10 ) (管理员身份和普通用户身份区别) (在命令行中找到目标 httpd.exe文件目录 输入cd C:\wamp\Apache24\bin,这是我软件目录...
Step 11. Now click on ‘Browse’ Find the folder you created and select bin from it and click ok. After you’ve done that it should look like this. Now click ok, and the windows will keep closing. This has to be done because the Web Server’s daemon runs as a Service on windows...
mklink /j C:\php\ "C:\Program Files\PHPServer\PHP". or this command if you are on Windows XP/2003 junction C:\php\ "C:\Program Files\PHPServer\PHP" Remember this : you need to download junction.exe to use it. Don't know where to download? Google it. ...
many users reported encountering an error while startingApache. This issue commonly occurs when a process like World Wide Publishing Service keeps running in the 80 port of your device. Due to this, the Windows 11/10 operating system does not allow the Apache server to execute, and that way ...
Ubuntu Server they may not be the latest editions Using Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 WSL2 localhost Using Docker Docker container Docker Desktop on Windows download, configure, and run Apache and PHP Setting Up a Modern PHP Development Environment with Docker ...
整理这个官方翻译的系列,原因是网上大部分的 tomcat 版本比较旧,此版本为 v11 最新的版本。 开源项目 从零手写实现 tomcatminicat别称【嗅虎】心有猛虎,轻嗅蔷薇。 系列文章 web server apache tomcat11-01-官方文档入门介绍 web server apache tomcat11-02-setup 启动 ...