ProxyRemote * 即可让Apache将12.34.56.78:8080作为代理服务器。ProxyRemote指令之后的第一个参数表示协议名称或目标地址,例如: ProxyRemote ftp # 对于所有ftp请求使用二级代理 ProxyRemote # 当访问
NoProxy指令指定了一个中间以空格分隔的子网、IP地址、主机和/或域的列表。对某个匹配上述一个或多个列表项的主机的请求将直接被其伺服而不会转交到配置好的ProxyRemote代理服务器。 示例 ProxyRemote * NoProxy NoProxy指令的host参数可以是...
9.1.2. ProxyRemote ProxyRemote remote-server = protocol://hostname[:port] Server config This directive defines remote proxies to this proxy. remote-server is either the name of a URL scheme that the remote server supports, a partial URL for which the remote server should be used, or " *...
RemoteIPInternalProxy 复制代码 这将告诉Apache将127.0.0.1作为内部代理,因为X-Forwarded-For头可能被恶意用户伪造,所以我们需要指定一个可信的内部代理IP。 重启Apache服务器以使更改生效。 现在,Apache将使用X-Forwarded-For头的值作为REMOTE_ADDR。请注意,这将使Apache相信X-Forwarded-For头的值是真实的客...
配置完成后,现在就能代理http协议了(https协议以后再说)。将符合allow条件的主机使用该服务器进行代理,打开网页抓包今后就能发现Remote Address已经变成了代理的IP,而且也多了几个proxy-开头的头信息,这就说明代理已经完成了。 当然也可以用python脚本进行代理测试,代码就不贴了,很简单。
apache 配置 http 反向代理先看下module,已经编译的有这些代理相关的,看名字就知道干嘛的。...root 84576 Aug 4 2017 先全部加载到apache httpd.conf 里面,如下: LoadModule proxy_module...
Reason: Error reading from remote server " Server side logs is written something like this - " [Sat Jul 21 16:24:47 2007] [debug] proxy_util.c(1816): proxy: HTTP: has released connection for (qa-e2-vip) xx.yy.xx.zz - - [21/Jul/2007:16:24:47 -0700] "POST /invoices...
Intranet Proxy An Apache proxy server situated in an intranet needs to forward external requests through the company's firewall (for this, configure the ProxyRemote directive to forward the respective scheme to the firewall proxy). However, when it has to access resources within the intranet, ...
Hello together, I'm new to ESET Protect and I'm having problems to configure the Apache HTTP proxy from ESET for our remote client (without vpn access). We are using ESET Protect Management server v9 on premises. The ESET Endpoint Security client policy