Apache NiFi 用户经常需要在 Kubernetes 上部署 NiFi。 Kubernetes 部署涉及许多对象,例如 pod、卷和服务。 在对象数量如此众多的情况下,很难管理 Kubernetes 使用的清单(也就是规范文件)。 部署多个使用不同配置的 NiFi 集群时,会更加困难。Helm chart 提供了一种用于管理清单的解决方案。 Helm 是 Kubernetes 的包...
Install the chart Install the nifi helm chart with a release namemy-release: helm install my-release cetic/nifi Install from local clone You will find how to perform an installation from a local clone on thispage. Uninstallation To uninstall/delete themy-releasedeployment: ...
Will not restart NiFi Registry I am using helm chart to deploy this and the above pasted logs are my pod logs .. While debugging I do see that the file is present inside the pod : nifi@nifi-registry-custom-0:/opt/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-current/conf$ ls -lrt...
There are tons of parameters that you can play with in Apache NiFi. Therefore, instead of providing an Helm chart and trying to expose and maintain all those parameters to cover every specific use cases, I chose to use Kustomize definitions and provide different base deployments for different au...
This example scenario shows how to run Apache NiFi on Azure. NiFi provides a system for processing and distributing data. Apache®, Apache NiFi®, and NiFi® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. No endo...
代码示例来源:origin: sonatype-nexus-community/nexus-repository-helm @Nullable public InputStream getChartFromInputStream(final InputStream is) throws IOException { try (GzipCompressorInputStream gzis = new GzipCompressorInputStream(is)) { try (TarArchiveInputStream tais = new TarArchiveInputStream(gz...
Kudu now has an experimental Kubernetes StatefulSet manifest and Helm chart, which can be used to define and provision Kudu clusters using Kubernetes (see KUDU-2398). The Kudu CLI now has rudimentary YAML-based configuration file support, which can be used to provide cluster connection information...
dragon14git/kuduPublic forked fromapache/kudu Notifications Fork612 Star0 master BranchesTags 20branches53tags Code Clone HTTPSGitHub CLI Download ZIP This branch is1657 commits behindapache:master. Contribute Latest commit Git stats 8,167commits ...
Helm 會建立指令清單,描述要部署在 Kubernetes 上的物件。 Helm 會將指令清單傳送至 Kubernetes 叢集。 Apache ZooKeeper 提供叢集協調。 Kubernetes 會建立指定的物件。 NiFi 部署需要下列物件: 組態物件。 數據磁碟區。 Pod 記憶體是暫時的。 記錄磁碟區。
Helm 會建立指令清單,描述要部署在 Kubernetes 上的物件。 Helm 會將指令清單傳送至 Kubernetes 叢集。 Apache ZooKeeper 提供叢集協調。 Kubernetes 會建立指定的物件。 NiFi 部署需要下列物件: 組態物件。 數據磁碟區。 Pod 記憶體是暫時的。 記錄磁碟區。