Apache 单IP配置多个HTTPS虚拟主机 Apache 文档中提到,不能在单个 IP上同时有多个按名字识别的虚拟主机("named virtual host"),其实不完全是这样了。 使用SNI SNI全称Server Name Indication(服务器名称指示),这个问题可以解决apache中的单IP多HTTPS虚拟主机,只有默认第一个站点的SSL生效的问题。但是这些技术需要浏览器...
如果通过cmd的 httpd -k start/restart/stop等来控制apache的话, 可能会报" no installed service named apache2- 系统找不到指定的文件". 这时候, 进入apache2.2.17/bin目录, 执行一次httpd -k install这样就安装了apache2 服务.. 就可以用httpd -k来控制起停了 . 右下角的wamp图标的apche服务启停, 并不...
从配置虚拟主机开始: 先在系统盘里的host文件开始: 先添加一个域名: www.m.com 打开httpd.conf文件,打开httpd-vhosts.conf: # Virtual...hosts Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf 3.然后打开httpd-vhosts.conf文件,配置一个虚拟主机: ...DocumentRoot "D:/wamp/apache/htdocs" ServerName www.m...
1、为虚拟主机提供域名解析 [root@centos01 ~]# vi /etc/named.conf<!--编辑主配置文件-->options { listen-on port 53 {;}; directory "/var/named"; allow-query {; }; }; zone "bdqn.com" IN { type master; file "bdqn.com.zone"; }; zone "benet.com"...
--重启网卡服务-->[root@centos01~]# systemctl restart named<!--重启DNS服务--> 3、客户端解析域名 4、为虚拟机准备网页文档 为每个虚拟web主机准备网站目录及网页文档。为了方便测试,分别为每个虚拟web主机提供包含不同的首页文件: 代码语言:javascript...
#(1)找到httpd.conf文件中虚拟主机段,做如下配置:<VirtualHost *:80>ServerName www.80.com#不是根据主机名来定义,因此此处可任意写DocumentRoot"/website/host1"#80端口的虚拟主机网站根目录设置为此处</VirtualHost><VirtualHost *:8080>ServerName www.8080.com ...
# Virtual hosts # Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf 把Include前面的#去掉。 2)配置httpd-vhosts.conf 打开Apache安装目录中的conf\extra文件夹中的“httpd-vhosts.conf”,找到如下代码根据实际修改。 <VirtualHost _default_:8080> DocumentRoot "${AROOT}/web" ...
//httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/vhosts/># for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts.## You may use the command line option '-S' to verify your virtual host# configuration.## VirtualHost example:# Almost any Apache directive may go into a VirtualHost container.# The first ...
1. `ServerName`: Assign your domain name, ensuring it matches this virtual host setup. 2. `ServerAlias`: Add extra domains corresponding to this virtual host, e.g., www.mydomain.com. 3. `DocumentRoot`: Apache serves domain files from the specified directory in this field. ...
My commercial web host does serve pages from subfolders in the primary domain and from subfolders in the add-on domains. I would very much like to have this capability in my local testing environment. My virtual hosts are defined on the Mac in httpd-vhosts.conf. All of my named hosts ...