1、根目录不对, 整合apache和php后访问.php文件提示File not found 瞎他妈改了半天,发现最后有一行这个,我去,X了狗了! 根目录全跑默认了 修改地方:
I deployed the my Flask app on apache on a remote server, however I get a FileNotFoundError when the load_transcript() function is called. However, I do not get this error when the download_sound_file() function is called. Both functions work perfectly on my local deployment....
The requested URL /var/www/dynamicsuite/index.php was not found on this server. but /var/www/dynamicsuite/index.php does exist! I tried to chmod 777 to see if it was an issue with permissions, but it still didn't work. Here is the general file layout and what I am trying to acco...
35元/年 新客专享L实例-2核2G 2M 38元/年 Flexus L实例2核2G 3M 68元/年 热门域名1元 随心购 1元/年 apache 网络爬虫 更多内容 HBase启动失败,RegionServer日志中提示“FileNotFoundException” java:1391) at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil.copy(FileUtil.java:340) at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil...
HMaster日志中频繁打印出FileNotFoundException信息 无大量的读写操作等),建议此参数依据集群的规格进行调整,若实际规格(实际平均每个regonserver上region的个数)大于默认规格(默认平均每个regionserver上region的个数,即2000),则调整方案为(实际规格 / 默认规格)* 默认时间。 在服务端的“hbase-site ...
新装系统后,tomcat启动起来 提示如下错误: Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Program Files\Java\apache-tomcat-8.5.11-geneshop3\webapps\ROOT\index.html (拒绝访问。) 提示tomcat下的文件被拒绝访问, 原因呢,就是我登录并不是使用管理员登录的电脑系统。【Windows7系统】 ...
然后前前后后搭建了几个网站,分别是一个科技新闻抓取网站 https://news.stackoverflow.club, 一个书籍...
查看apache日志发现: 错误日志 File does not exist: File does not exist: /opt/htdocs/resource/favicon.ico File does not exist: /opt/htdocs/resource/404.html File does not exist: /opt/htdocs/resource/robots.txt 解决办法: 修改:httpd.conf,将LogLevel warn 成为 LogLevel crit...
org.apache.commons.vfs.FileNotFoundException: Could not read from"file:///yarn/nm/usercache/mikejf12/appcache/application_1412471201309_0002/container_1412471201309_0002_01_000002/job.jar"because it is a not a file.at org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.AbstractFileObject.getInputStream(...
No issues are appearing after logging into JIRA. Logs (atlassian-jira.log) contain errors like this one:http-8080-Processor17 ERROR [500ErrorPage] Exception caught in 500 page java.io.FileNotFoundException: no segments* file found in org....