Http Benchmarks Source code for the HTTP Apache Benchmarks analyzer and exporter. Example Benchmarks Performance of different RDBMS within an ASP.NET Web Application Performance of different ServiceStack Hosts from a 2013 MacBook Pro with Windows 8 running a ServiceStack impl of the Techempower be...
Product Solutions Resources Open Source Enterprise Pricing Search or jump to... Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests...Sign in Sign up Reseting focus apache / incubator-gluten Public Notifications Fork 441 Star 1.2k Insights: apache/incubator-gluten...
Apache Software Foundation License 2.0 --- 3rdparty/dlpack 3rdparty/dmlc-core 3rdparty/OpenCL-Headers 3rdparty/mlperftiny 3rdparty/nvbench (with LLVM exception) 3rdparty/cutlass_fpA_intB_gemm 3rdparty/tensorrt_llm BSD 2-clause License --- 3rdparty/picojson 3rdparty/dmlc-core/include/dmlc/conc...
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited...
后来经过shucho指点,在正则部分采用了预编译,效果那是相当惊人!...CODE: use strict; use Benchmark; my $LOG_FILE = '/usr/local/apache...\)/$1/g; 正则 参考 perl-正则 ◆ 常用分析web日志的命令 (2009-6-22)
[HIVE-22378] - Remove code duplicatoins from return path handling [HIVE-22396] - CMV creating a Full ACID partitioned table fails because of no writeId [HIVE-22401] - ACID: Refactor CompactorMR [HIVE-22436] - Add more logging to the test. ...
49176: When generating JSP runtime error messages that quote the relevant JSP source code, switch from using the results of the JSP page parsing process to using the JSR 045 source map data to identify the correct part of the JSP source from the stack trace. This significantly reduces the ...
生产环境的应用程序范围包括交互式网络安全分析、自动报警增量提取以及ETL过程。最大的客户应用程序每月处理超过1PB的数据,在数百台机器上运行。在雅虎的Streaming Benchmark测试中,Structured Streaming的表现是Flink的2倍,Kafka的90倍。 2.流处理的挑战 尽管在过去的几年里取得了广泛的进展,分布式的流应用仍然难以开发...
This benchmark result focuses on two KPIs: Max throughput (in MB/second), which measures the sum of Producer messages that arrive to Broker within a specific amount of time. Producer P99 Latency—the time it takes for a record produced to Kafka to be fetched by the Consumer. P99 latency ...
要求 Java 8 is required for the course. Spark does not currently support Java9+, and you need Java 8 for the functional Lambda syntax Previous knowledge of Java is assumed, but anything above the basics is explained Some previous SQL will be useful for part of the course, but if you've...