AH-64武装直升机(英文:AH-64 attack helicopter,别名:“阿帕奇”,英文:Apache)是由美国波音公司研制的双发单旋翼重型武装攻击直升机,能在恶劣气象条件下满足陆军在昼夜执行反坦克和攻击支援等任务。#军事模型 # - 老盖工作室于20240530发布在抖音,已经收获了2.3万
The AH-64 Apache can climb at a rate of 889m/min. The maximum and cruise speeds of the helicopter are 279km/h and 260km/h respectively. The ferry range and service ceiling of the helicopter are 1,900km and 6,400m respectively. The endurance is 3 hours 9 minutes. The helicopter weig...
The US Army awarded a $247m contract to Boeing in October 2010 to start low-rate initial production (LRIP) of the AH-64D Apache Block III helicopter. The contract called for the production of 51 AH-64D Apache Block III helicopters for the US Army. The first helicopter under the contract...
波音AH-64“阿帕奇”武装直升机(英语:Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopter gunships)是现美国陆军主力武装直升机,发展自美国陆军上个世纪七十年代初的先进武装直升机(Advanced Attack Helicopter,AAH)计划,以作为AH-1眼镜蛇攻击直升机后继机种。#兵者凶器# AH-64武装直升机现已被世界上13个国家和地区使用,包括日本、...
The first Allied shots at Iraqi ground troops during the Gulf War were fired by AH-64A Apaches. They destroyed air defense systems to create a corridor for the Allied air attack. During Operation Desert Storm, AH-64As were credited with destroying more than 500 tanks plus hundreds of additio...
Apache attack helicopter 阿帕奇”(Apache)是美国麦道公司根据美国陆军提出的“先进攻击直升机”(AAH)计划研制的先进攻击直升机。 attack helicopter 攻击直升飞机,攻击直升机 helicopter muffler 直升机消声器 helicopter sower 直升飞机撒播机,直升机撒播机 helicopter parents 过于“望子成龙”的父母 robot helicop...
The Apache AH-64 is a formidable attack helicopter that has played a crucial role in numerous military conflicts worldwide since its introduction in the 1980s. Designed and developed by Boeing Defense, Space & Security, this twin-turboshaft aircraft is renowned for its advanced sensors, targeting...
美国陆军图鉴:主战武器(下册)AH-64“阿帕奇”武装直升机(AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter)不好意思作品找不到了~
The AH-64A Apache is the Army's primary attack helicopter. It is a quick-reacting, airborne weapon system that can fight close and deep to destroy, disrupt, or delay enemy forces. The Apache has been designed to fight and survive during the day, night, and in adverse weather throughout ...
The AH-64 Apache is the Army's heavy division/corps attack helicopter. The AH-64D Longbow remanufacture effort incorporates a millimeter wave fire control radar, radar frequency interferometer, fire-and-forget radar-guided HELLFIRE missile and cockpit management and digitization enhancements. The combina...