Numbers: Words vs. numerals As a general rule, spell out numbers for zero through nine and use numerals for 10 and above. However, note the following exceptions. Always use numerals: When a number directly precedes a unit of measurement (e.g., 5 cm) When referring to statistics, equations...
MLA, however, has a more complicated system: Spell out numbers that can be written as one or two words but use numerals for all the others. So, in MLA, you would spell outone millionbut use numerals for101. There are small exceptions to these rules in each format (which we explain in...
9 Spell out numbers if they begin a sentence, title, or heading. How to cite sources in APA: citation examples Citation formatting is an important component of any academic style. In APA format, references need to be acknowledged where they appear in the text (known as in-text citations)...
numbers — Tea: Hydration and other benefits. Primary Health Care, 26(8), 34–42.Publisher / ...
•Pages numbered in sequence starting with the Title Page. Numbers upper right hand margin at 1-inch margin from the side and ½ inch margin from the top of the page. (see p. 400, 401)•Use an active voice .•Use a medium to formal tone is preferable for academic writing. ...
Use numbers written out as words if you are: Starting the sentence with a number (but try to rearrange the sentence to avoid this!) Ninety-two percent of teachers feel as though…. Writing out a commonly used word or saying Hundred Years’ War ...
The use of numbers According to APA recommendations, expressing numbers below 10 requires using words. When expressing numbers 10 and above, it’s necessary to employ numerals. Still, there are some instances when utilizing numerals is preferable: ...
Writing numbers in text may be confusing. A number 8 beginning a sentence or a number under 10, for example, one, seven or nine, is spelled out as a word. A number of two digits or more is written as the numerical equivalent (23, 58, or 104) unless that number is the first word...
Problem description: Initial problem description, discussion and how to reproduce can be found in this thread: JabRef/jabref#8372 Short summary: What we found out so far is that in Jabref, the number field is not shown under certain cond...
Tables and figuresshould be numbered and have titles, along with relevant notes. Make sure to present data only once throughout the paper and refer to any tables and figures in the text. Formatting statistics and numbers It’s important to followcapitalization, italicization, andabbreviationrules ...