APA 的格式排版有两部分:一部分是在正文中对引用话语进行标注,叫做括号夹注。另一部分是在文章结尾处...
APA in-text citations with multiple authors If a work has two authors, separate their names with an ampersand (&) in a parenthetical citation or “and” in a narrative citation. If there are three or more authors, only include the first author’s last name followed by “et al.”, mean...
试题来源: 解析 C。在 APA 格式中,本题考查多个作者的引用方式。选项 A 逗号分隔所有作者姓名不符合常见规范。选项 B 只列出第一作者加“et al.”一般适用于超过三个作者的情况。选项 D 只列出第一作者姓名不完整。选项 C 列出前三个作者姓名然后加“et al.”是正确的。
Citing Authors With Multiple Works From One Year(引用作者同一年的多部作品): Works should be cited with a, b, c etc following the date. These letters are assigned within the reference list, which is sorted alphabetically by the surname of the first author. For example: (Mitchell, 2017a) O...
Solution #1: How to order the names of multiple authors in an APA reference Authors should be cited in the exact order that they are listed by the source, even if they have not been listed alphabetically. Solution #2: How to cite an article with more than 20 authors in APA style ...
If you have author of multiple works (with multiple authors) Now here is where things can get a tad bit tricky. Sometimes authors with multiple works can cause some confusion in your citations. Generally when that happens you can tell the difference by the publication year, but when you can...
biblatex-apa displays the author names for papers with multiple authors like this: Thomason, Sarah and Everett, Dan but I need it to be displayed like this: Thomason, Sarah and Dan Everett. I have tried what seems to be prescribed elsewhere, adding \DeclareNameAlias{...
How to combine multiple sources in one APA citation Such authors are separated with a semicolon and are sorted alphabetically. Follow example created by citation machine: (Andrews, 2002; Ronald, 1998) If there are different authors with a same last name ...
I would like to define options in the biblatex preamble so that only first citations with multiple authors are spelled out, all following abbreviated to author et al., as APA6 requires. My preamble looks like this, what is missing to generate “author et al.” ? \...
How to cite websites with multiple authors in APA format There are different APA formats for citing sources with one author, two authors, between three and 20 authors, and more than 21 authors. We’ve already covered how to cite websites with one author in APA format, so let’s look at...