Following this pattern, multiple works from multiple authors can be contained within a single parenthetical. Separate authors' sources with a semicolon. Note, however, that the authors' names should be provided in the order they appear in the reference list regardless of when their sources were p...
Narrative and Parenthetical Citations APA with Two Authors If you are citing a reference entry that has two authors, include both names, separated by an ampersand. APA style parenthetical citation structure: (1st Author’s Last Name & 2nd Author’s Last Name, Year) ...
1. Book With One Author Author, F. M. (Year published). Book title (pp. start page-end page of specific reference {or p. page number if referencing a single page}). City {include state, province, or country if c ity is not well known}: Publisher.or Author, F. M. (Year ...
APA文献引用格式 APA (AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)isthemostcommonlyusedformatforcitingsourcesintheSocialSciences.Youressayshould:betyped,double-spaced,withtwospacesafter punctuationbetweensentencesonstandard-sizedpaper(8.5‖x11‖)with1‖marginsonallsidesin10-12pt.TimesNewRomanorasimilarfont...
APAstylistics:Language LanguageinanAPApaperis:clear:bespecificindescriptionsand explanations concise:condenseinformationwhenyou can plain:usesimple,descriptive adjectivesandminimizethefigurativelanguage GeneralFormat Youressayshould:betyped,double-spacedonstandard-sizedpaper(8.5”x11”)with1”marginsonallsidesin12pt...
How to Cite your sources in APA -- Visual Guide If you found your source using Ebscohost, follow these instructions: 1. Click as shown below to create your Reference Page citation:2.You will see this:If you got your source from the internet, follow these instructions:1. Go to www....
∙When a work has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the first time the reference occurs; in subsequent citations, include only the last name of the first author followed by et al. and the year of publication if it is the first citation of the reference within a paragraph...
Citing a Source with2 Authors Does your source have two authors? Do not put the names in alphabetical order. They should be written in the order they’re displayed on the source. APA Structure: Last name of the 1st listed Author, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Last name of the 2nd...
power to commit heinous offenses with impunity (Van Ghent, 1950).*Note that the author whose work is being paraphrased is not mentioned in the sentence. This is why we need to include the author´s last name and the year in the parenthetical citation. Also note that the period comes ...
•Volumenumber(issuenumber),pages•Ps:①thevolumenumberisfollowedwiththeissuenumber.(顺序不要颠倒)②theissuenumbershouldgetindicatedinparentheses.③Withoutanypunctuationbetweenvolumenumberandissuenumber.Eg:Author,A.A.(year).titileofarticle.titleofperiodical,15(30),5-13 •Theend.●1 authorlastnamefist...