In APA format, a reference page is the page at the end of a written work that lists all the sources used for citations along with their bibliographic information. “Reference page” is the name used by APA format, whereas MLA calls it a “works cited page,” and Chicago uses “bibliogra...
Website Search In APA, the “Works Cited” page is referred to as a “Reference List” or “Reference Page.”“Bibliography” also may be used interchangeably, even though there are some differences between the two. If you are at the point in your article or research paper where you are...
(Year). Title of the webpage/document. Website Name. URL. 4. Newspaper Articles: AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (Year, Month Day). Title of the article. Title of the Newspaper, Page numbers. URL if available. 5. Conference Papers: AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (Year, Month Day). ...
·Page range of the work 作品页码范围 当引用greater whole的时候,需要提供作品的页码或页面范围。这样可以方便读者进行检索。根据source的类型,页码前面有“p”或者“pp”。 ·Publisher, database, platform, or website name 发布者、数据库、平台或网站名称 根据source的类型,参考条目中应该包括负责发布作品的出...
•Function:helpthereadertolocateandeconsultarelatedbookorarticle.Introductiontobookreferences Bookreference •Format(三部分)①authorinformation.②bookinformation.③publicationinformation.(Location:publisher)Use“fullstop”(半角状态下的句号)toseparateeachsectionfromanother.Author,A.A.(Yearofpublication).|Titleof...
·Page range of the work 作品页码范围 当引用greater whole的时候,需要提供作品的页码或页面范围。这样可以方便读者进行检索。根据source的类型,页码前面有“p”或者“pp”。 ·Publisher, database, platform, or website name 发布者、数据库、平台或网站名称 ...
Last name, Initials. (Year). Image title [Format]. Website Name or Museum, Location. URL (if applicable)例如,当你在关于意大利文艺复兴杰作的论文中引用《蒙娜丽莎》(Mona Lisa)这幅著名绘画时,它的APA引用格式是这样的:Da Vinci, L. (1506). Mona Lisa [Painting]. Musée du Louvre, Paris, ...
Unfortunately it is not always clear to which group a webpage belong to. However the APA blog recommends that if in doubt tonotitalicize. How to Capitalize and Format Reference Titles in APA Style General Tips Use when citing a non-periodical web article from a website. Check that your doc...
Website (no author) YouTube View all APA ExamplesDo I need to include the page numbers of my reference when citing it in-text? You need not include page numbers in in-text citations unless you want to cite a particular page or page ranges of the source being cited. In such cases,...