Calder(2009)states that… Reference list Components: Author Surname,Author Initial.(year).Title(Edition).Place of Publication:Publisher. 举例说明: Calder,A.(2009).Compliance for green IT:A pocket guide.Ely,England:IT Governance. 俩位创作者(Two authors) In-text citation Components: (Author Surnam...
In-text citationsare citations within the main body of the text and refer to a direct quote or paraphrase. They correspond to a reference in the main reference list. These citations include the surname of the author and date of publication only. Using an example author James Mitchell, this...
Calder,A.(2009).Compliance for green IT:A pocket guide.Ely,England:IT Governance. 两位作者(Two authors) In-text citation Components: (Author Surnames, Year) 举例: The research challenges…(Bernstein & Tiegerman, 1989) Bernstein and Tiegerman (1989) have illustrated… Reference list Components: ...
文末参考文献列举(Reference List) 在参考文献部分,APA格式规定部分的人名必须以姓(Family name)的字母顺序来排列,包括名(first name)的前缀。 单一作者著作的书籍: Sheril, R. D. (1956). The terrifying future: Contemplating color television. San Diego: Halstead. 两位作者以上合著的书籍: Smith, J., &...
•In your text, you should include a parenthetical citation each time you directly quote or paraphrase from another source. This is known as an in-text citation.•Each of the in-text citations in your paper should have a corresponding full reference in your References list.•An in-text...
TWO AUTHORS Reference list Copstead, L., Banasik, J. (2005). Pathophysiology (3rd ed.). Saunders. In-text citation Copstead and Banasik (2005) stated that . . . or It is suggested that. . . (Copstead Banasik, 2005). THREE TO TWENTY AUTHORS Reference list Schneider, Z., Whitehead,...
In APA 7th ed., up to 20 authors should be included in a reference list entry. Write out the last name and first initial(s) for each contributor. 2–20 authors example: Wright, A., Komal, G., Siddharth, D., Boyd, G., Cayson, N., Beverley, K., Travers, K., Begum, A., Re...
APA,Reference,list References:Bookwithoneauthor author.(dateofpublication),state:publisher.Gould,S.J.(1981).Themismeasureofman.NewYork,NY:Norton.Thelastname(surname/familyname)comesbeforethefirstname.Thetwopartsareseparatedbyacomma.1 References:Newspaperarticle author.(dateofpublication).title...
If there aretwo authorslisted in the source entry, then the parenthetical reference must list them both: (Smith & Belafonte, 2008) If there arethree or more authorslisted in the source entry, then the parenthetical reference can abbreviate with “et al.”, the latin abbreviation for “and ot...
If your citation is at the end of a sentence, ensure the full stop is placed after the reference.For citations in brackets with two authors the ‘&’ symbol can be used. If the author citation forms part of your sentence the word ‘and’ must be used,o e.g. (Brown & Black, 2...