Homes for the AgedNursing HomesBacteriuriaPredictive Value of TestsThe article focuses on the release of a guideline on the treatment of major depressive disorder from the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The evidence-based guidelines recommends that patients with mild to moderate depression ...
74. Williams JW Jr, Slubicki WN, Tweedy DS, et al. Evidence Synthesis for Determining the Responsiveness of Depression Questionnaires and Optimal Treatment Duration for Antidepressant Medications. Department of Veterans Affairs. Available online at:
A guide to managing depression in pregnancy: ACOG and APA collaborate on recommendations for treatment depending on disease severity.(OBSTETRICS) joint acog-apa guidelines, explained that decisions about using medications during pregnancy are often difficult, but they may be even more so in the case...
APA provides different reference formats for more than 100 source types. Therefore, it’s essential to first determine what kind of source you’re dealing with. In some cases, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Sources can take the form of a webpage or PDF file, but this is just the...
Psychology papers such aslab reportsand APA format articles also often require an abstract. In these cases as well, the abstract should include all of the major elements of your paper, including an introduction, hypothesis, methods, results, and discussion. ...
As another example, the fine song writer, Joni Mitchell apparently went through, during her life, a number of very challenging emotional experiences that first received the fullDSMpsychopathologizing treatment. In time, her perspective changed, and at one point she expressed her new perspective...
Muzik, MariaHamilton, SusieWaxler, EllenHadi, ZahraBrookenHarvey, BarbaraMcGrath, Marlene
Depression in Primary Care guidelines: Further considerations for practitioners,' by R.F. Munoz, S.D. Hollon, E. McGrath, L.P. Rehm and G.R. VandenBos from the journal `American Psychologist.' Diagnosis and treatment of mental depression; Primary care practices for mentally depressed patients...
Major Stressors in Women's Health (2005). Calcium requirements during treatment of osteoporosis in women. In A. Bendich & R. J. Deckelbaum (Eds.), Preventive nutrition: The comprehensive guide for health professionals (3rd ed. pp. 425–432). Totowa, NJ: Humana ... A Bendich,R Zilberbo...
2011 APA Gold Award: Culturally Sensitive Collaborative Treatment of Depression Among Chinese Americans in Primary Care.Asian-American immigrants rarely use psychiatric services, yet they are just as likely as other Americans to experience major depression. Frequently they lack the resourc...