一般是三线表,要素包括表名、表格、和notes(非必须),表格太宽可以用横向纸张,太长需要在后续页中重复表第一行标题的内容。 具体不同表格的内容会有所差异,参考:https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/tables-figures/sample-tables 2、图的设计 一般包括图名,图例,图,和notes(一般作为图的描述、来...
加Title Page,上面要有题目,姓名,professor姓名,科目,学校,日期,甚至于班级(每项一行,按照不同的教授稍有不同的要求) 文内引用格式为“(作者姓氏,发表年份)”。若作者姓名在文章中已被提及,只需在引文后用括号标出年份即可,多位作者以上同理 而具体到论文的结构部分来说,APA格式规范主要包含:标题(Title)、文章...
加Title Page,上面要有题目,姓名,professor姓名,科目,学校,日期,甚至于班级(每项一行,按照不同的教授稍有不同的要求) 文内引用格式为“(作者姓氏,发表年份)”。若作者姓名在文章中已被提及,只需在引文后用括号标出年份即可,多位作者以上同理 而具体到论文的结构部分来说,APA格式规范主要包含:标题(Title)、文章...
加Title Page,上面要有题目,姓名,professor姓名,科目,学校,日期,甚至于班级(每项一行,按照不同的教授稍有不同的要求) 文内引用格式为“(作者姓氏,发表年份)”。若作者姓名在文章中已被提及,只需在引文后用括号标出年份即可,多位作者以上同理 而具体到论文的结构部分来说,APA格式规范主要包含:标题(Title)、文章...
When referencing sources in APA format, the following guidelines should be followed for English-language references: 1. Books: AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher. 2. Journal Articles: AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the...
Here are key guidelines to developing your title page: The title of the paper should capture the main idea of the essay, but should not contain abbreviations or words that serve no purpose. For example, instead of using the title “A Look at Amphibians From the Past,” title the paper “...
APA Title PageHeader:Include only page number flush right on the top of each page.Title:Title page should be double-spaced. Your title should be centered and inserted in the upper half of the first page, 3-4 lines down from the top. Your title should be focused, effective, and succinct...
APA Sixth Edition Guidelines for Paper Formatting in the College of Nursing Program Title Page (2.01- 2.03) The title page must contain the following items: Running Head, Page Number, Title, Author Name, and Institutional Affiliation. Running Head ...
General APA Format Guidelines There are some basic rules of APA format that apply to any type of APA paper. These include: Type on standard-size (8.5-inch by 11-inch) paper Have a 1-inch margin on all sides Have a title page,a reference list, and a byline ...
Each of these sections has specific formatting requirements that should be followed closely to ensure compliance withthe guidelines. The title page, also known as the cover page, is the first page of the document and includes the paper's title, the author's name, the institutional affiliation,...