3)对于采访对象的话的引用 这属于自己研究的一部分,不需要添加在reference中,引用规则基本与上面的 一致(少于40词加双引号,多于40词另起一行) 另外还有信件等personal documents的引用,参考:https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/archival 五、参考文献 reference list 1、基本原则 要素包括作...
If there is no author, alphabetize by the first letter of the article title.*The first lines of your citations will never be indented, but all subsequent lines will. *Only the first letters of titles and subtitles should be capitalized, unless part of the title is a proper noun.one ...
1. Start your reference list on a new page with the word References centered at the top of the page. 2. Use Times New Roman for your font, size 12 3. Double space between entries, single space within an entry. 4. APA style has hanging indents which means that for each reference you...
Every page including the reference list should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5" x 11") with 1" margins on all sides. The preferred typeface for APA publications is 12 pt. Times New Roman. Your paper should consist of four sections: the title page, abstract, main sec...
APA reference style 每一个引文,都应分别在两处注明:在文中引用处注明(即in-text reference);在文末处处注明(即reference list) 正文内文献引用(即in-text reference)的APA格式 1.当作者姓在引文内没有出现时: It has been argued that teachers’ role is to provide the students with optimal conditions ...
e references included in the body of your essay the reference list at the end of your essay (For a Word document formatted in APA style try here) General Rules Double-space your paper including the reference list. Format reference list entries with a hanging indent (in MS Word ...
APA_reference_style 这里介绍了2种参考文献的格式。一种是国内比较常用的格式,见第2-4页。另一种是国外教育与心理专业常用的APA格式,见第5-9页。大家可以根据澳班的要求采用。 国内目前常用的参考文献格式 1.简介 2.参考文献类型及其标志 3.范文(片段) 1.简介这里介绍的是目前国内常用的一种引注规则,它是...
文中是姓氏(年份)+观点 ref list是姓氏,名字(年份),之后分类书籍期刊网站名字
另一种是国外教育与心理专业常用的APA格式,见第5-9页。大家可以根据澳班的要求采用。 国内目前常用的参考文献格式 1.简介 2.参考文献类型及其标志 3.范文(片段) 1 这里介绍的是目前国内常用的一种引注规则,它是根据中华人民共和国国家标准UDC 025.32文后参考文献著录规则GB 7714-87制定的。目前许多学术期刊和...
Here are a few templates and examples for how common sources should be formatted in an APA style reference list. If your source is not found here, there is also a guide highlighting differentAPA citation examples. Citing a Book Structure: ...