参考网址:APA Style 三、引用(Citations) 1、引用定义 当你将别人的作品中的信息添加到你自己的项目中时,就会包含引用,这被称为文本引用。 2、引用原因 源作者的话写得非常棒,以至于没有更好的方式来重新表述它。 源作者的话可以帮助证明一个观点或建立对你的研究项目的理解。 3、引用类别 1)直接引用 逐字逐...
如果是从互联网上获取的信息,需给出获取日期和网址,如 ……. Retrieved July 3, 2008, from journal.psych.ac.cn/xue ……. 2008-07-03取自journal.psych.ac.cn/xue 如果是网址,末尾不要加点号。 英文书写的文献获取日期为月日年,格式为“June 26, 2006”;中文书写的日期为年月日,格式为“2008-07-02...
Define APA style. APA style synonyms, APA style pronunciation, APA style translation, English dictionary definition of APA style. 1. American Psychiatric Association. 2. American Psychological Association. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Diction
APA Formatting: Essential Guidelines for Academic Writing. Introduction. The American Psychological Association (APA) style is a widely recognized formatting system used in various academic disciplines, including social sciences, education, and psychology. Adhering to APA guidelines ensures consistency, clarit...
In-Text References Using APA Style In Academic WritingThe documentation style of the American Psychological Association (APA) is used by many different kinds of scholars and it is certainly a very effective system for citing and listing sources. However, it is not the easiest of referencing ...
evidence and information has come from. Likewise, within academic essays, the use of APA style ...
【结论】要重视参考文献著录工作,规范使用APA格式著录参考文献,统一著录标准,打造规范化,高水平学术期刊.;[Purposes] This paper aims to help Chinese journals cite in APA style appropriately and reach international standards by analyzing the current situation of reference citations in Chinese psychology ...
The next part contains APA Style rules that many writers do not know, and the final part has style rules often missing from empirical research submissions to academic journals.doi:10.24839/2325-7342.JN28.1.2Hughes, Jennifer L.Cannon, Bradley...
In the world of academic writing, proper referencing is not just a choice, but a fundamental aspect that upholds the integrity of scholarly work. The American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style stands as a symbol of consistency and clarity when it comes to citing sources. Whether ...