以MLA格式引用在线视频的格式与APA格式有很大不同。首先,需要使用引号来标记视频标题,然后依次书写发布视频的网站名称、上传视频的频道名称、上传视频的日期、视频网址(URL),具体如下:“Title of video.” Website, uploaded by Screen name, day month year, http://xxxxx.对于前述视频示例,MLA的引用格式如...
How to Cite a Website in APA Format(如何引用网页): When citing a website, the basic structure is as follows: Author surname, initial(s). (Year, month day).Title. Retrieved from URL Website example(示例): Mitchell, J.A. (2017, May 21).How and when to reference. Retrieved fromhttps...
姓, 名. (发行年, 月). 文章名. 期刊名 , 卷 (期), 页起-页末.姓, 名. (发行年, 月). 文章名. 期刊名 , 卷 (期), Retrieved from http://xxxx 本文参考自:APA Website Citation, http://www.bibme.org/citation-guide/apa/website/ [1] APA格式, (2014, June...
APA 6和APA 7在视频引用格式上相同,唯一的区别是APA 6引用的视频标题不采用斜体,而且视频的URL网址前须冠以“Retrieved from:”字样。 如果采用APA 6格式,前述视频的引用例子即为: Heinz, K. [Wordvice Editing Services]. (2021, Apr 22). APA 7th Edition: In-text Citations [Video]. YouTube. Retriev...
以APA格式引用图片 当使用APA格式引用图片时,须按照以下顺序列出图片创建者的姓名、发布年份、标题、种类、能够访问或查看的位置,具体如下:Last name, Initials. (Year). Image title [Format]. Website Name or Museum, Location. URL (if applicable)例如,当你在关于意大利文艺复兴杰作的论文中引用《蒙娜丽莎...
如果是从某个平台或应用程序而不是从URL访问播客,则可以省略URL,改为对平台的注释(例如,“Retrieved from Spotify”)。 使用APA格式引用播客片段 这可能是最常见的播客引用类型,指的是引用主持人或嘉宾在播客的特定剧集中所说的话,例如: Smith, J. (Host) (2022, September 15). The Science of Sleep (No....
Retrieved from http://www.website.com If you know that the periodical article is available exclusively online through the database you retrieved it from, and there is no DOI found then include (a) the database name and the accession number or (b) the database URL (your preference):o (...
案例:Kellermann,M.(2007,May 23).Disclosing clinical trials[Web log post].Retrieved from URL 24)播客: 创作标准:列举尽量详尽的资源信息内容,如创作者或是创作者;开播的时间;题目;刊物号;播客标识;系列产品题型(斜体字);检索系统和网站地址。 案例:National Academies)Producer).(2007,June 6).Progress in ...
“Title of video.” Website, uploaded by Screen name, day month year, http://xxxxx. 对于前述视频示例,MLA的引用格式如下: “APA 7th Edition: In-text Citations.” YouTube, uploaded by Wordvice Editing Services, 22 Apr. 2021, https://youtu.be/PfkpemU0uVI. ...
Retrieved from URL. 9. Government Publications: Government Agency. (Year). Title of the document (Publication No. XXXX). Publisher. URL if available. 10. Legal Cases: Case Name, Volume Source Page (Year). Remember to include all necessary information and follow the proper formatting for each...