Nursing Wound Care, 2(2). Retrieved from Example of MULTIPAGE DOCUMENT CREATED BY PRIVATE ORGANIZATION, NO DATE: Greater Society on Wound Management.Who doesn’t have time to worry about staging wounds?Retrieved June 9, 2003, from
APA格式建议使用references一词。当使用references时,列出的作者和作品一定是在文中提到过的,而MLA格式则要求用List of Works Cited。 相同点 1.参考书目的缩进格式相同 采用悬挂式缩进,即每个条目除首行外都要缩进,缩进距离同段落的首行缩进是一样的,一般约为5-7个空格或者0.5英寸(1.25厘米)。 2.条目之间的行距...
Khan’s (1976) study found the following: Graduate students tend to apply more diverse methods during their first two years of research, especially when conducting research in teams of three or fewer with no senior researcherspresent. This tendency could be attributed to either a misunderstanding o...
2. 如果作者不详,这个时候将题目的前一个或者两个字母放在括号里面,如果是文章用双引号,如果是书名用斜体 3. 在线的一些资料,如果没有日期,则用“n.d.”替代(no date),如果没有页码,看看段落有没有标,如果有的话则标出段落,如(Hall, 2008, para. 5),如果有下标题,那么可以把下标题写在括号里面,然后把...
1、文章名的句首字母要大写 2、参考文献的所有实词的首字母大学,整体倾斜 3、所有符号用英文格式,...
参考文献著录在MLA规范里叫做Works Cited,在APA规范里叫做References。撰写论文时应仔细阅读MLA或APA的规范手册,本节仅提供部分著录实例,供参考。 3. 一位作者写的文章 APA: Roediger, H. L. (1990). Implicit memory: A commentary.Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 28, 373-380. 注意:(1)在APA里,作者...
1 QUICK GUIDE TO APA REFERENCES & CITATION - Summarized from: Rev. 3/16/23 American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). This handout supplements, not substitutes for, the Publication...
When the work does not have an author, move the title of the work to the beginning of the references and follow with the date of publication. Only use “Anonymous” if the author of the work is signed “Anonymous.”Structure: Book title: Subtitle. (Year). Publisher....
APA格式参考文献正文引用文献须按APA勺要求,著录在References之下,在正文最后一章结束后另页开始,页码与正文相连。文献著录必须按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列,不得以正文中出现的先后编码排序,不得使用阿拉伯数字。每一条目中的各项内容 都必须按APAK定的次序和格式编排。参考文献的字体与正文相同,条目间距为行,条目内换行...
APA references are simple. (Pan & Liu, 2005). Pan and Liu (2005) APA references are simple. (3)3至5位作者 首次引用时,将列出所有艺术家,并且如果以后引用相同的文献,则最重要的是引用的人。再加上“et al.”。但是,在参考文献部 分,全部作者的姓名皆须列举出来。 APA references are simple. ...