APA-Reference-listPPT课件 References:Bookwithoneauthor author.(dateofpublication).title.city,state:publisher.Gould,S.J.(1981).Themismeasureofman.NewYork,NY:Norton.Thelastname(surname/familyname)comesbeforethefirstname.Thetwopartsareseparatedbyacomma..1 References:Newspaperarticle author.(dateof...
Citation: A study in Australia of ESL high school students showed that the opportunity to be an active member in the community relied on being accepted by the local population (Miller, 2004). Why is it important? Using appropriate references and citations provides: acknowledgement of where the ...
Citation: A study in Australia of ESL high school students showed that the opportunity to be an active member in munity relied on being accepted by the local population (Miller, 2004). Why is it important? Using appropriate references and citations provides:acknowledgement of where the es from...
Find a sample of citing this type of source in the textbook or in the OWL APA Guide: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ “Mirror” the sample Make sure that the entries are listed in the alphabetical order and the subsequent lines are indented (Recall References: Basics)...
APA体例精品演示.ppt APA FormattingandStyleGuide APA格式及风格指南 WhatisAPA?APA (AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)在社会科学领域,APA是美国心理协会最常用的论文格式。isthemostcommonlyusedformatformanuscriptsintheSocialSciences.WhatdoesAPAregulate?APAregulates:➢Stylistics➢In-textcitations➢References (alist...
apa格式引用说明ppt 系统标签: apa格式引用citationsparaphraseparenthesis APA FormattingandStyle Guide WhatisAPA? TheAmericanPsychologicalAssociation(APA)citation styleisthemostcommonlyusedformatformanuscripts inthesocialsciences. APAregulates: •Stylistics •In-textcitations •References APAStyle:PointofViewand...
Reminders Regarding References Don’t rely on your memory: always check a reliable source to verify the format and punctuation of each entry in your list of References. When in doubt, use the library’s copy of the APA Manual—or the links on the next page-- to answer questions. Proofread...
References;Title Page标题页;Abstract Page摘要页;Main Body (Text)主体;References Page参考页;References: Basics参考书目要点;References: Basics (cont’d)概述;Making the references list 参考书目的编写;In-text Citations: Basics 文内引用要点;In-text Citations: Format for a quotation 文内引用:规范引用...