Real name, A.A. [Channel name]. (year, month day). Title [Video]. YouTube. http://xxxx 对于前述视频例子,APA引用格式为:Wordvice Editing Services. (2021, Apr 22). APA 7th Edition: In-text Citations [Video]. YouTube.如果你知道Kevin是在Wordvice网站上...
在温哥华格式中,在需要引用YouTube视频的地方需要用括号中的数字(例如(1))或上角标数字(例如¹)标记引用,例如: Heinz emphasizes that there are some differences between APA 6 and APA 7 that authors should be aware of when formatting their reference lists.1 如果需要包括视频的时间戳信息,可以这样引用:...
因此,以APA格式引用YouTube视频的格式如下: Real name, A.A. [Channel name]. (year, month day).Title[Video]. YouTube.http://xxxx 对于前述视频例子,APA引用格式为: Wordvice Editing Services. (2021, Apr 22).APA 7th Edition: In-text Citations[Video]. YouTube. Giertz, S. (2018, abril). Why you should make useless things [Video]. Conferencia TED. Cita TEDxTijuana (2019) O (TEDxTijuana, 2019) Giertz (2018) O (Giertz, 2018) Redes sociales社交网络 示例Ejemplo de tuit Referencia Ministry of Health [@...
Citing a YouTube video in APA format requires certain information, like the real name of the individual who posted the video on YouTube, their YouTube username, the full date when the video was uploaded, the title of the video, and the video’s URL. Give your writing extra polish Grammar...
在Reference中,作者的名字通常是倒置的,即以姓氏(last name)开头,后面跟上逗号和首字母,用句号和空格隔开。 诸如"Van "或 "De "之类的词缀,应视为姓氏的一部分。不要包括个人头衔,如Ph.D.或Dr.,但要包括后缀,比如Jr. 例如:Smith, T. H. J. ...
Basic YouTube video citation structure Reference Page Structure Uploader Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. [Screen name]. (Year, Month Day).Title of the video[Video]. Name of website. URL In-text citation Structure (Uploader Last Name OR Screen name, Year) ...
APA(American Psychological Association)同样是一个使用比较多的引用格式,尤其是在北美地区,另外极少数英国大学也会使用这种格式。APA引用格式总的可以分为文中引用(In-text citation)和最后的Reference(参考文献)部分,两者格式略有不同,本文介绍下他们的引用格式。
Cite an Introduction Cite a Journal Article Cite a Lecture Cite a Magazine Article Cite a Movie Cite a Newspaper Article Cite a Scientific Paper Cite a Slide Deck Cite a Textbook Cite a Thesis Cite a Website Cite Wikipedia Cite a YouTube Video...
Here is the video reference, taken as an example: <img src="" alt="" width="480" height="360"> Enlisted below are the step-by-step instruction on how to cite a YouTube video inAPA citation: ...