Notice that unlike the in-text citations, the example reference list entry does NOT include page numbers. Whether a reference includes page numbers is not dependent on the in-text citation; it depends on the source type.3. Reference listPage numbers are only included in reference list entries ...
3)对于采访对象的话的引用 这属于自己研究的一部分,不需要添加在reference中,引用规则基本与上面的 一致(少于40词加双引号,多于40词另起一行) 另外还有信件等personal documents的引用,参考: 五、参考文献 reference list 1、基本原则 要素包括作...
In APA format, a reference page is the page at the end of a written work that lists all the sources used for citations along with their bibliographic information. “Reference page” is the name used by APA format, whereas MLA calls it a “works cited page,” and Chicago uses “bibliogra...
When writing a paper in APA format, it's important to follow the guidelines for citations and references. In-text citations should include the author's last name and the year of publication, with the specific page number if you're quoting directly. Forexample, if you're citing a study ...
Author Surname, First Name or Initial. Photograph Title. Year Photo was Taken (if provided). In Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year, page or plate #.如果图片或照片是从某书中节选的,则须在参考文献列表和文中引用处(脚注处)包括作品的标题和页码,具体如下:Author last name, ...
页数(page number) 例子 (Jones, 1998, p.199) 2. 三种表达形式 1. quote Quote 适用于简短的引言(40 words 以内) 直接引用,在双引号中“ ”复制粘贴作者的原话 例子 (1) She stated, “Students often had difficulty using APA style” (Jones, 1998, p.199), but she did not offer an explanation...
Page number (top right corner) Double spacing within and between references ½ inch hanging indent for references longer than one line. Setting up in Google Docs This video will demonstrate how to format the APA reference page in Google Docs. Alignment instructions for Word Make sure you can ...
Page number: First-order reference 2.1.3. Number and date of issue: Second-order reference apa参考文献格式 apa 参考文献格式 美国心理协会(APA)参考文献格式是学术界公认的一种标准格 式,用于学术论文或者出版物中的参考文献的引用。这种格式由 APA 指定,并且由千禧学者跟踪,是目前最流行的学术论文格式之 ...
Formattablesandfigures Centerthetitle–References--atthetopofthepageDouble-spacereferenceentries DoNOTinclude“Runninghead:”intheheaderafterthetitlepage!FlushleftthefirstlineoftheentryandindentsubsequentlinesOrderentriesalphabeticallybytheauthor’ssurnames Invertauthors’names(lastnamefirst...
在句子末尾:(Last name of Author, Year, page number). 两位作者 按照作者在来源上出现的顺序放置他们。 仅在括号引用中用“&”号。 如果作者姓名出现在句子的文本中,请使用“and”分隔作者姓名。 在文章中:Last name of Author 1 and Last name of Author 2 (Year)...(page number). OR...