Put your list in alphabetical order. Does reference list have to be alphabetical? Authors must confirm in their covering letter that papers cited as "In press" have been accepted for publication. The reference list must be single-spaced and placed at the end of the text.References must be li...
Where Should You Put the APA Reference Page? The APA reference page should be the last section of the paper. It should come right after the main body of your paper, before any appendices. Which Sources Do You Have to Include on the Reference Page? You need to create a reference entry f...
To create the correct APA reference page, follow the guidelines below: Alphabetical Order:List your references in alphabetical order by the authors' last names. If there's no author, then you should use the title Hanging Indent:Indent the second and subsequent lines of each reference entry by ...
DoNOTinclude“Runninghead:”intheheaderafterthetitlepage!FlushleftthefirstlineoftheentryandindentsubsequentlinesOrderentriesalphabeticallybytheauthor’ssurnames Invertauthors’names(lastnamefirstfollowed byinitials).Alphabetizereferencelistentriesthelastnameofthefirstauthorofeachwork.Capitalizeonly...
year of publication. If quoting directly, a location reference such as page number(s) or paragraph number is also required.∙At the end of your assignment, you are required to provide the full bibliographic information for each source.References must be listed in alphabetical order by author.
Where page numbers are not provided use paragraph numbers. Citation of secondary source: i.e source referred to in other work In the reference list ONLY include the details of the source you actually read - not the original source. In the example below, the original source would be ...
The website provides the current journal issue, as well as an archive (dating back to 1998), which contains all contents of the previous issues along with short summaries (i.e., abstracts) and corresponding page numbers. References APA (6th edition) Reference Style In-text citation First ...
APA文献标注办法 APA Style 1 APA Style—Reference List/In-Text This handout is meant to give you a broad overview of the kind of information needed for a reference list page. It is by no means comprehensive. For specific information on documenting particular sources, consult a style guide ...
13 Include the reference page, appendices, and index in the table of contents if applicable. 14 Do not include the title page, or the abstract (if your paper has one), in the table of contents. 15 Leaders, sometimes called dot leaders, are those dot lines that connect a title on the...
inches) with margins of 1 inch on all sides. References (start on a new page) *All citations in the text must appear in the reference list and all references must be cited in text A) Citations in reference list: They should follow the order of references by alphabetical ...