here are two parts to acknowledging an information source used for your assignment: anin-text citation(which appears with the words quoted or paraphrased in your text) a reference (which appears in a reference list at the end of your assignment). References list • At the end of your ass...
1.如果reference有两行或两行以上,从第二行起,向内缩进五到七个字符 Example: Rosener, J. (1995).America’s competitive secret: Utilizing women as a management strategy.USA:OxfordUniversityPress. 2.reference与reference中间要隔一行 3.文章名和杂志名:每个单词的首字母大写,虚词除外 4.文章后面列出的所...
网络上的参考资料(Online reference source) APA: Encyclopedia Britannica. (April 1998). Fresco. InBritannica Online(Vers. 98.2).RetrievedMay 8, 1998, from 3.2.7 参考文献的排列无论在MLA还是APA的规范里都必须遵循以下几条规则: (1)文献条目按作者或第一作者姓氏的字母顺序排...
Source:作品的来源 单个作者 在Reference中,作者的名字通常是倒置的,即以姓氏(last name)开头,后面跟上逗号和首字母,用句号和空格隔开。 诸如"Van "或 "De "之类的词缀,应视为姓氏的一部分。不要包括个人头衔,如Ph.D.或Dr.,但要包括后缀,比如Jr. 例如:Smith, T. H. J. 多个作者 列出各个作者姓名,中间...
1、APA reference 写法I 一 Reference 的二种类型 :从书上引用,从杂志里的文章中引用,从网站引用1 .从书上引用的ref,格式:作者名字年代.书名(斜体).1出版社地址:出版社名Example:Davidson, M. and Cooper, C. (1992). Shattering The Glass Ceiling: eomanManger. London: Paul Chapman.2 .从杂志里的文...
由于语言障碍、引用文章不可获得等情况,必须使用二手信息时,对最初的信息出处和二手信息(secondary source)都必须注明,文内引用格式: Reference 页中,仅注明参考的二手信息来源的文章即可。 2)直接引用 直接引用的内容必须与原句一模一样,少于40词的,直接在句内加双引号,在引用句末尾添加来源,包括作者、出版年份、...
网络上的参考资料(Online reference source) Encyclopedia Britannica. (April 1998). Fresco. In Britannica Online (Vers. 98.2). Retrieved May 8, 1998, from :180. 7 参考文献的排列(1)文献条目按作者或第一作者姓氏的字母顺序排列。汉语文献与英语文献应排列在一起,不应分别排列,如: Wen, Q. F. [...
If you can classify your source as something other than a website/web page, choose that as your source. Be as specific as possible. Most times, the source citation form will give you the option to cite the source as something found online (see tabs at the top of the citation form). ...
APAreference写法 I.Reference的三种类型: 从书上引用,从杂志里的文 章中引用,从网站引用 1.从书上引用的ref,格式: 作者名字.年代.书名(斜体).出版 社地址:出版社名 Example: Davidson,M.andCooper,C.(1992). ShatteringTheGlassCeiling: TheWomanManger.London: PaulChapman. 2.从杂志里的文章中引用的ref,格...
Publisher. URL if available. 10. Legal Cases: Case Name, Volume Source Page (Year). Remember to include all necessary information and follow the proper formatting for each type of source. Additionally, make sure to alphabetize the reference list by the last name of the first author....