The reference list in APA is always alphabetized by the first word in the reference entry (from A to Z). When alphabetizing titles or group names as authors, go by the first significant word (disregard a, an, the, etc.) No need to use the abbreviation for the group author, just ment...
如果一篇文章的作者署名是匿名(anonymous),则默认此作者就叫做anonymous,按照正常格式写,并且在文后的reference写anonymous。 3. Groups as Authors 群体作者,比如说研究机构、政府组织、国际协会,应当使用该组织的名称。在第一个引文中使用该组织的全名,如果该名称较长,请在随后的引文中缩短该名称,即使用缩写词或首字...
When a work has two authors, always cite both names every time the reference occurs in the text. In parenthetical material join the names with an ampersand (&). as has been shown (Leiter & Maslach, 1998) In the narrative text, join the names with the word "and." as Leiter and Maslac...
2014; Adair & Vohra, 2003), such as the use of ‘&’ instead of ‘and’ in citations and references. Further to this, when citing sources, the name of the author or authors should be provided followed by the date of publication. In the first instance, all authors’ names...
Reference citations include the author and date of publication. When there are more than two authors, they are all listed the first time the source is cited. Subsequent references to sources of more than two authors are listed by the first author’s name followed by et al.Failure to referen...
如果一篇文章的作者署名是匿名(anonymous),则默认此作者就叫做anonymous,按照正常格式写,并且在文后的reference写anonymous。 3. Groups as Authors 群体作者,比如说研究机构、政府组织、国际协会,应当使用该组织的名称。在第一个引文中使用该组织的全名,如果该名称较长,请在随后的引文中缩短该名称,即使用缩写词或首字...
When a work has two authors, always cite both names every time the reference occurs in the text. In parenthetical material join the names with an ampersand (&). as has been shown (Leiter & Maslach, 1998) In the narrative text, join the names with the word "and." as Leiter and Maslac...
Reference: Use commas and ampersand to separate authors Part3: In-Text Citations in PowerPoint Presentations In-text citations help your audience understand the source of your information and allow them to access more details if needed. We'll provide a brief introduction, examples, and tips for...
6、ree,four,orfiveauthors,citeallauthorsthefirsttimethereferenceoccurs.Kahneman,Knetsch,andThaler(1991)foundInallsubsequentcitationsperparagraph,includeonlythesurnameofthefirstauthorfollowedbyetal.(Latinforandothers)andtheyearofpublication.Kahnemanetal.(1991)foundWorksbyassociations,corporations,govern 7、mentagenc...
one author: Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences . New York: Basic Books.two to seven authors : Cargill, O., Charvat, W., & Walsh, D. D. (1966). The publication of academic writing . New York:Modern Language Association. more than seven...