In-text citationsare citations within the main body of the text and refer to a direct quote or paraphrase. They correspond to a reference in the main reference list. These citations include the surname of the author and date of publication only. Using an example author James Mitchell, this...
3. In-print book or eBook from the Research Databases, no DOI, three or more authors:Parenthetical in text citation (Taylor et al., 2019, p. #)4. DAVIS DRUG GUIDE entry: Note special entry for page numbers in REFERENCE Parenthetical in text citation: (Vallerand & Sanoski, 2023, p. ...
•In your text, you should include a parenthetical citation each time you directly quote or paraphrase from another source. This is known as an in-text citation.•Each of the in-text citations in your paper should have a corresponding full reference in your References list.•An in-text...
In-text citation Components(six or more authors): (First Author Surname et al.,Year)举例说明: (Midgley et al.,2000) Midgley et al.(2000)states that… Reference list Components(more than seven authors): Author A surname,Author A Initial.,Author B Surname,Author B Initial.,Author C Surname...
六位以上作者(Six or more authors) In-text citation Components (six or more authors): (First Author Surname et al., Year) 举例: (Midgley et al., 2000) Midgley et al. (2000) states that … Reference list Components (more than seven authors): ...
If there arethree or more authorslisted in the source entry, then the parenthetical reference can abbreviate with “et al.”, the latin abbreviation for “and others”: (Smith et al., 2008) The author’s names are structured differently if there is more than one author. Things will also ...
All sources with three authors or more use the name of the first author followed by "et al." However if two sources have first-listed authors with the same name, list as many names as needed to differentiate the papers. Quotations from research participants should be formatted like general ...
Sometimes, in-text citations that have three or more authors, some of whom have the same last name, and the same publication year can look like they are the same reference when using the et al. abbreviation. For example, Curtis et al. (2020) could refer to ...
All sources with three authors or more use the name of the first author followed by "et al." However if two sources have first-listed authors with the same name, list as many names as needed to differentiate the papers. Quotations from research participants should be formatted like general ...
How to Cite Several or More Than Three Authors Using the APA Format in a Journal Article. When citing scholarly sources with multiple authors, include all of the information necessary in your references. American Psychological Association style provides