27)在网上贴到: 创作标准:假如在网上发布的信息内容没有归档,则不用列举reference;假如归档,则必须得出网站地址,探讨的主题风格,(要不是网站地址的一部分) 案例:McKinney,J.(2006,December 19).Adult education-healthcare partnerships[Electronic mailing list messge].Retrieved from URL 28)引入电脑系统: 案例:K...
In conclusion, this essay has discussed of the importance of APA style referencing within psychological literature, but also acted as an example of how to cite and reference a psychology essay in APA style. Following a particular referencing style is important within psychological literature as it ...
For example, in reference list:National Institute of Mental Health. (1988). In first text citation:(NationalInstituteofMental Health[NIMH], 1988 In subsequent citations:(NIMH, 1988). The names of universities should always be written out. No Author: Cite in text the first few words of the...
For example, (Smith, 2019).在APA格式中,当在论文正文中引用资料时,需要在括号中包含作者的姓氏和出版年份。例如,(Smith, 2019)。 In addition tociting within the text, APA format also requires a reference list at the end of the paper, which provides more detailed information about the sources ...
In conclusion, this essay has discussed of the importance of APA style referencing within psychological literature, but also acted as an example of how to cite and reference a psychology essay in APA style. Following a particular referencing style is important within psychological literature as it s...
In the reference list ONLY include the details of the source you actually read - not the original source. In the example below, the original source would be Farrow (1968), which you saw cited in a paper by Ward and Decan (1988). ...
参考文献列表(Reference List)基本规则 1、排序:按照⽂献中作者姓⽒的字⺟顺序排列。 2、作者姓名:列出作者的姓⽒和⾸字⺟缩写,不使⽤全名。 3、出版年份:紧跟在作者姓名之后。 4、标题:书籍和期刊名需使⽤斜体,⽂章标题则不⽤。 5、出版信息:包括出版社和出版地(对于书籍);期刊名称、卷...
6. Secondary reference To acknowledge the work of one author that you have found in the work of another. Record only the work that you have actually seen in the Reference List. In-text List of References 7. Government publications (a) Government reports (b) Parliamentary publications (c) Au...
Reference List 文中引用(in-text citation)和文末引用(即参考文献列表, reference list)要“配套使用”。 In-text citation 只写出简要信息,主要包括作者名,以及文章发表年份。Reference list 则要写出更多具体信息。 文末引用 · 作者项 作者项按照作者姓氏的a-z顺序列出;不明作者的,按照文章标题的首字母的a-z...
and give a citation for the secondary source. For example, if Seidenberg and McClelland’s work is cited in Coltheart et al. and you did not read the original work, list the Coltheart et al. reference in the References. In the text, use the following ...