3. 引用列表(Reference list) 4. 期刊文章、书籍和编辑书籍章节引用指南(Reference Guide for Journal Articles, Books, and Edited Book Chapters) 4.1 期刊文章引文 (Journal Articles)(定期出版的刊物) 4.2 图书文章引文 (Book) 《Publication manual of the American psychological association》 APA文献引用格式 (...
"Book Title" 是书的标题,"R. Zhang" 是原作者的姓名,"New York, NY" 是书的出版地,"Publishe...
APA,Reference,list References:Bookwithoneauthor author.(dateofpublication).title.city,state:publisher.Gould,S.J.(1981).Themismeasureofman.NewYork,NY:Norton.Thelastname(surname/familyname)comesbeforethefirstname.Thetwopartsareseparatedbyacomma.1 References:Newspaperarticle author.(dateofpublication).title...
Publisher. URL if available. 10. Legal Cases: Case Name, Volume Source Page (Year). Remember to include all necessary information and follow the proper formatting for each type of source. Additionally, make sure to alphabetize the reference list by the last name of the first author....
1、APA Style -- Reference List: Books Note:This page reflects APA 6, which is now out of date. It will remain online until 2021, but will not be updated. The equivalent APA 7 page can be found here. Basic Fo...
11 27/02/2020 Western Sydney University Library APA Referencing Style Guide CHAPTER, ARTICLE OR SECTION IN A BOOK Reference list For a section in an authored book, provide a reference entry for the whole book and add the chapter, article or section page numbers in the in-text citation. ...
APA 的格式排版有两部分:一部分是在正文中对引用话语进行标注,叫做括号夹注。另一部分是在文章结尾处...
其规范格式主要包括⽂内⽂献引⽤(Reference Citations in Text)和⽂末 参考⽂献列举(Reference List)两⼤部分。APA格式强调出版物的年代(Time of the Publication Year)⽽不⼤注重原 ⽂作者的姓名。引⽂时常将出版年代置于作者缩写的名( the Initial of Author’s First Name)之前。 1.⽂内...
3. In-print book or eBook from the Research Databases, no DOI, three or more authors:Parenthetical in text citation (Taylor et al., 2019, p. #)4. DAVIS DRUG GUIDE entry: Note special entry for page numbers in REFERENCE Parenthetical in text citation: (Vallerand & Sanoski, 2023, p. ...
规则:当你使用圆括号格式中提到了两个或多个作品时,按照在后面reference中要陈列的字母顺序将这些作者排列,并且用分号将其隔开。 9)当作者的姓氏相同时 范例:Research by E. Smith (1989) revealed that …. 规则:当你发现最后的reference list中有几个相同姓氏的作者时,在in-text中的apa中,为避免困惑和歧义,...