1.3 作者组(Group authors) 如果引用作品是一个作者组(Group authors)完成,那么只需要写上该作者组名称以及年份即可。 Parenthetical Citation:(American Psychological Association, 2019) Narrative Citation:American Psychological Association (2019) 这里的Group authors通常包括研究组、政府机构、协会、公司、工作组、医院...
作者组(Group authors) 如果引用作品是一个作者组(Group authors)完成,那么只需要写上该作者组名称以及年份即可。 Parenthetical Citation:(American Psychological Association, 2019) Narrative Citation:American Psychological Association (2019) 这里的Group authors通常包括研究组、政府机构、协会、公司、工作组、医院、组...
1.3 作者组(Group authors) 如果引用作品是一个作者组(Group authors)完成,那么只需要写上该作者组名称以及年份即可。 Parenthetical Citation:(American Psychological Association, 2019) Narrative Citation:American Psychological Association (2019) 这里的Group authors通常包括研究组、政府机构、协会、公司、工作组、医院...
作者组(Group authors) 如果引用作品是一个作者组(Group authors)完成,那么只需要写上该作者组名称以及年份即可。 Parenthetical Citation:(American Psychological Association, 2019) Narrative Citation:American Psychological Association (2019) 这里的Group authors通常包括...
Authors 所有作者的全名(按照“名字—中间名—姓氏“的顺序)。两个人用and连接(e.g., Ainsley E. Baum and Lucy K. Reid);三人或以上用逗号,最后一人名字前加and,注意对有后缀的名字,不要用逗号,而是用空格隔开(e.g., Riley S. Rodrigo, Dev M. Kumar, and Aidan T. Zhang)。
Isaac, A., Brown, B., Finkel, R. P., Frankenburg, S., Cole, A., Lalonde, M. A., . . . Heinz, V. Group Authors Put name of organization at beginning of citation American Psychological Association
then have another look at the source. If it is published on a government agency website, for instance, there is a good chance that the agency was the author of the work, and should be listed as such in the reference entry. You can read more about how to handle group authors in Secti...
APA(American Psychological Association)指的是美国心理学会,APA Reference 格式(Abroad by Association)是主要针对社会科学领域研究,此外,在人文、教育领域等也比较适用。 APA引文风格(第6版)就是无论论文哪里出现引用别人的地方都要把作者、日期和页码都注释上标清楚。 APA Reference格式包括文本引用和参考列表,还有给文...
Report by a Group Author (Section 10.4)World Health Organization. (2014). Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant and young child nutrition. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/113048/WHO_NMH_NHD_14.1_ eng.pdf?ua=1Report by Individual Authors (Section 10.4)Winthrop, ...
When a work has three or more authors, cite the surname of the first author only, followed by et al., in every citation, including the first:Kisangua et al. (2007) found that … [first and subsequent citations]Reference list The reference list must have the title word References, which...