第一次引用 Parenthetical Citation:(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention `CDC`, 2020) Narrative Citation:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020) 后续引用 Parenthetical Citation:(CDC, 2020) Narrative Citation:CDC (2020) 注意作者组缩写只能在文中引用使用,不能在最后的Reference中使用。
This citation style does NOT require you to include the date of access/retrieval date or database information for electronic sources. Use the URL of the journal homepage if there is no DOI assigned and the reference was retrieved online. * If the journal article has a DOI number assigned to...
APA 论文资料引用格式包括文献引用(reference citations)与 参考文献(reference list)两部分。 1.文献引用 1.1 间接引用(citations): 间接引用需在论文主体部分引用作者姓名和文献出版年份。读者 可以在 references list 中看到所引用文献完整的信息。 A.如果引用文献只涉及一位作者的某本专著或文章,而作家的名 字在...
It can be a useful reference for comparing ordinances or perhaps fine tuning language models. National Zoning Atlas - This colloborative project is working depict key aspects of zoning codes in an online, user-friendly map to enable cross jurisdiction comparison's of land use regulations. This ...
This article reflects theAPA 7th editionguidelines.Click herefor APA 6th edition guidelines. In-text citations briefly identify the source of information in the body text. They correspond to a fullreference entryat the end of your paper.
The article goes on to say that “People don't do derby just for exercise but usually because it becomes a part of who they are” (Fagundes, 2012, p. 1098).OR Fagundes (2012) added, “People don't do derby just for exercise but usually because it becomes a part of who they are”...
At the end of the reference, after the words “Original Work Published,” mention the year of original publication in parentheses The title page only includes relevant information Use double quotation marks for direct quotes and format long quotations (40+ words) as block quotes without quotation ...
You may also rewrite it in your own words or present your own idea, but you still must cite the source if you reference or allude to their ideas. A plagiarism checker can be a reliable way to check if your work has plagiarized existing material. Grammarly includes a plagiarism check, ...
National Zoning & Land Use Database- This GitHub project catalogs major metros municipal zoning ordinances in plain text. It can be a useful reference for comparing ordinances or perhaps fine tuning language models. National Zoning Atlas- This colloborative project is working depict key aspects of...
APA格式指导.pdf,2008 - 2009 This guide was written and prepared by the Reference Information Services librarians. Latest revision by Carol Chenoweth Tallahassee Community College Tallahassee, Florida Title Page Outline or Abstract ½” Short Title Page