白小羊 外语论文文献引用格式—APA Style Maggie 最全APA格式写作指南, EssayMin让你轻松Get! 正确使用论文引用格式是写好英文论文的重要环节! APA Reference格式最常应用于社会科学领域; 很多导师也倾向于要求学生以APA引用格式完成论文写作. 那么, APA格式怎么写? APA格式要求? APA… 知乎用户E3qybG打开...
在Reference中,作者的名字通常是倒置的,即以姓氏(last name)开头,后面跟上逗号和首字母,用句号和空格隔开。 诸如"Van "或 "De "之类的词缀,应视为姓氏的一部分。不要包括个人头衔,如Ph.D.或Dr.,但要包括后缀,比如Jr. 例如:Smith, T. H. J. Van der Molen, R. Brown, A. T. W., Jr. 2.2 多个...
Guideline 9—Electronic Records: Electronic records, like paper records, should be created and maintained in a way that is designed to protect their security, integrity, confidentiality, and appropriate access, as well as their compliance with applicable legal and ethical requirements. 理由 使用电子的...
Reference本质上是参考文献的信息,例如作者、编者的姓名;出版地;出版时间;期刊号等等。 Reference一般出现在论文的两个地方: ★在论文的主体中,就是我们常说的文内引用,citation; ★在论文最后出现的文献列表,通常被称作References或者Bibliograhy。 做好论文引用格式的第一步是认真收集文献并做好笔记,记录每篇文献完整...
APA(American Psychological Association)同样是一个使用比较多的引用格式,尤其是在北美地区,另外极少数英国大学也会使用这种格式。APA引用格式总的可以分为文中引用(In-text citation)和最后的Reference(参考文献)部分,两者格式略有不同,本文介绍下他们的引用格式。
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 1, 247271. Retrieved January 25, 1996, from the World Wide Web:/journals/ab1.html英文格式5(单篇文章,无作者):Electronic reference formats recommended by the American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Washington, DC: American Psyc 55、hological Association....
Define APA. APA synonyms, APA pronunciation, APA translation, English dictionary definition of APA. 1. American Psychiatric Association. 2. American Psychological Association. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries
In APA style, a citation usually includes the author’s name and year only. However, if a direct quote is used, page numbers are also required. A reference is a bibliographic entry that corresponds to a particular source. In other words, it is the information about a source that you put...
(2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of resources by psychology undergraduates. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-123. Retrieved Oct. 13, 2001, from /articles.html注意:APA规范在著录网络出版 40、物时在条目的结尾处不使用任何标点符号。(2)仅有网络版的期刊Fredrickson, B. L...
3.2参考文献著录的格式 参考文献著录在MLA规范里叫做WorksCited,在APA规范里叫做References。撰写论文时应仔细阅 读MLA或APA的规范手册,本节仅提供部分著录实例,供参考。 3.2.1著录已出版的文章 一位作者写的文章 APA: Roediger,H.L.(1990).Implicitmemory:Acommentary.BulletinofthePsychonomicSociety,28, 373-380....