An author quoting another author (as cited in) You use the main author’s name and date (from the book you are using: Smith 2010) Jones (as cited in Smith, 2010) states that Exeter Council saves £4.7 million on heating from changing to sustainable energy. No date (n.d) Smith (n...
•The most common way to do an in-text citation is to include the source´s information in parentheses at the end of the sentence, before the period.APA uses the author-date method—use the author´s last name, a comma, and the publication date for in-text citations.Direct quotes,...
Book with author and editor Valery, P. (1957). Oeuvres (J. Hytier, Ed.). Paris: Gallimard.Book other than first edition Goudie, A. (2000). The human impact on the natural environment. (5th ed.). Oxford: Blackwell.Book with more than one volume Corsini, R.J. (Ed.). (1994). ...
Quoting is stating another’s exact words—both need to be cited. Include the author(s) and year for paraphrases and the author(s), year, and page or paragraph number for direct quotes. “When paraphrasing or referring to an idea contained in another work, you are encou 展开 ...
author name 9 Books and book chapters 10 • Single author 10 • Two authors 10 • Three to twenty authors10 • Twenty one or more authors10 • Group author 11 • No author 11 • Edited book 11 • Chapter, article or section in a book 12 • Chapter or article in an ...
However, direct quotes may be used with exact definitions or particularly insightful/memorable author statements. When directly quoting, follow the format of the citation styles noted in Table 3. These styles are identical to those of Table 2; however, APA requires page numbers for direct quotes....
APA 6th Edition[1]标准中外论文参考文献格式权威介绍
APA Format and Documentation: Quoting Quotation of Sources Use quotation marks to indicate material directly from another source. Cite the source by using an author-date system, page number(s) when possible, recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA). Quote only when something ...
If your in-text citations do not follow the author-date method, please correct them prior to submission. If you are referring to an idea from another work but not directly quoting the material, or making reference to an entire book, article, or other work, you only have to make ...
It is argued by Bazzaz (1996) that comparative research in several ecosystems will lead to an understanding of succession as an ecological process. Quoting something that someone else ha 4、s quoted Sometimes in your reading you might come across a quote in another authors article that would be...