To cite information quoted in a PowerPoint presentation, follow the same rules as you would for any other source. Include the author's name, publication year, and specific slide number in the in-text citation. If the presentation is online, provide the URL. Here's an example: In-text cita...
ThisPowerpointpresentationisdesignedtoprovideyouwiththebasicsofAPAformatandothergeneralwritingguidelines.Itisnottobeconsideredacomprehensivesource.ForcompleteAPArequirements,refertotheAPApublicationmanual(6thEdition).Youalsomaywanttoconsulttheresourcesprovidedattheendofthistutorial,suchasthePurdueOnlineWritingLab. FindingSou...
Citing Online Lectures and Presentation Slides in APAWhen citing online lecture notes, be sure to provide the file format in brackets after the lecture title (e.g. PowerPoint slides, Word document).Structure: Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Document title [Lecture notes, ...
If You’re Quoting Directly From the PowerPoint To include adirect quotefrom a written source, you would include a page number. The equivalent for a PowerPoint presentation is to include the slide number after the year, like this: (Carter, 2023, slide 6) ...
Instructor (Year)…Instructor, X. (Year, Month Date).Title of seminar/lecture/presentation[Description of material—e.g., PowerPoint slides]. Website. URL Magazine article(hardcopy and online)(Author, Year) OR Author (Year)…Author, X. (Year, Month Date). Title of article.Title of magazin...
This handout covers the following basic issues: General Format Referring to the Works of Others in Your Text Your Reference List Examples Notes Additional Resources We also have a PowerPoint presentation available at that covers APA style ...
Citing PowerPoint slides Reference Page Structure Last name, First initial. (Year, Month date of presentation).Title of presentation[PowerPoint slides]. Website name. URL Example Rodriguez, M. (2020).Writing your discussion section[PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare.
Heading Main Heading Heading A good idea deserves a good presentation. A good idea deserves a good presentation. A good idea deserves a good presentation. Sub-heading. A good idea deserves a good presentation. A good idea deserves a good presentation. A good idea deserves a good presentation....
This style of reference would be used if you were citing a set of notes from a lecture (e.g., PowerPoint or Google slides provided by your instructor). Citing online lecture notes or presentation slides: Author's Last name, F. M. (Publication year). Name or title of lecture [Lectures...
PowerPoint presentation, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 15, 2012. Chicago also offers an alternative author-date citation style; examples of lecture citations in this style can be found here. Recorded or transcribed speeches When you’re citing a recorded or transcribed lecture (...