In-text citations • When paraphrasing, citations can be part of a sentence or placed at the...
At the top of the page, add the page number in the upper right corner of all pages, including the title page. On the next line write the title in bold font and center it. Do not underline or italicize it. Begin with the introduction and indent the first line of the paragraph. All ...
In-text citations for DIRECT QUOTES require the author’s last name, the publication date, and the abbreviation p. or pp. followed by the page number(s), or, for non-paginated online sources, the section title and the abbreviation para. followed by the paragraph number: ...
• If you are quoting directly from a source, use quotation marks and include a page or paragraph number with the citation. Quotation marks can be single (‘) or double (“); Open Polytechnic favours single quotation marks — Students receiving ‘additional information literacy training achieved...
first time. After the first citation, cite the first author first time. After the first citation, cite the first author followed by et al. If in a new paragraph, include the year followed by et al. If in a new paragraph, include the year ...
Wasserstein, Zappulla, Rosen, Gerstman, and Rock (1994) found…[first citation in the text]Wasserstein et al. (1994) found…[subsequent citation in a later paragraph]3. A Work with Six or More Authors When a work has six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author ...
In the narrative text, join the names with the word "and." as Leiter and Maslach (1998) demonstrated When a work has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the first time the reference occurs. Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler (1991) found In all subsequent citations per paragraph,...
7、 all authors the first time the reference occurs.Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler (1991) foundIn all subsequent citations per paragraph, include only the surname of the first author followed by et al. (Latin for and others) and the year of publication.Kahneman et al. (1991) foundWorks by...
preceded by the paragraph symbol ¶ (in Windows press down on Alt and type 0182 on the keypad) or the abbreviation para. If the paragraph number is not apparent cite the section heading and the paragraph number following it. • (Myers 2000 ¶ 5) • ( ...