∙Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) for more information.Check the Library Catalogue for call number and location(s).∙When quoting directly or indirectly from a source, the source must be acknowledged in the text by author name and year of ...
The APA reference page is placed after the main body of your paper but before any appendices. Here you list all sources that you’ve cited in your paper (through APA in-text citations). APA provides guidelines for formatting the references as well as the page itself. Creating APA Style re...
N.B. Page numbers are optional when paraphrasing, although it is useful to include them (Publication Manual, p. 171). Citations from a secondary source As Hall (1977) asserts, “culture also defines boundaries of different groups” (as cited in Samovar and Porter, 1997, p. 14). ...
Abstract centered Title page Describe paper In 75-300 words centered Abstract (if requested) No paragraph indent Text pages Double space Title of Paper References Abstract describes Student Name Instructor’s Name Appendixes the problem under investigation Course the findings Date the conclusion Name of...
paperandtousethestylerecommendedbyyourcollegeprofessororinstructor. Theexamplesinthisguidecoverfrequentlyusedcitationformsonly.Formoredetailedinformation refertothePublicationManualoftheAmericanPsychologicalAssociation(6thed.),(BF76.7.P83 2009)andtotheAPAStylewebsiteat.apastyle. GENERALRULES Double-spaceyourpaper,...
the Publication Manual can also be found on the APA website. For further support, please contact UWS library: o Phone 02 98525353 o Email o Online Librarian In-text citation: Referencing sources within the text Throughout the text of your paper you need to acknowledge the sources used in yo...
内容提示: Last Updated: February 2012 APA Style A Quick Citation Guide This is the style established by the American Psychological Association (APA) for citing resources used in research papers. APA Style is used primarily in the behavioral and social sciences. The rules for APA Style are ...
APA college essays should be written/printed on standard letter-size paper (8.5 inches in width, 11 inches in length). This could perhaps vary depending on your country, but this is the norm for all American students. Also, margins must be set to 1 inch on all four sides of the documen...
•beprintedonstandard-sizedpaper(8.5”x11”)[Note:Ifyouarewritingamanuscriptdraft,APAsuggestsusingtwospacesbetweensentencestoaidreadability(seepp.87-88intheAPAmanual).]GeneralAPAFormat Everypageofyouressayshould:•Includeapageheader(Title,allcaps)intheupperlefthandcornerand•thepagenumberintheupper...
Updated on February 8, 2023Citations APA format is a set of formatting and citation guidelines for how an academic paper should look, similar to other styles like Chicago or MLA. APA format is usually preferred for subjects in the social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, ...