4 Lists: When writing numbered or bulleted lists, writers should use parallel structure for each item. Lettered Lists: APA requires parentheses when using letters with a series. Commas or semicolons should be used between each item in the list. Example: Athletes who suffer from knee injuries ...
or population size, specific numbers of subjects or participants in an experiment, scores and points on a scale, exact sums of money, and numerals as numerals,numbers that denote a specific place in a numbered series, parts of books and tables, and each number in a list of four or more ...
When an electronic source lacks page numbers, you should try to include information that will help readers find the passage being cited. When an electronic document has numbered paragraphs, use the abbreviation "para." followed by the paragraph number (Hall, 2001, para. 5). If the paragraphs ...
APA format requires particular types of punctuation, including commas, periods, semi-colons, colons, parentheses, quotation marks, hyphens, and dashes. Each punctuation mark has a specific use, for example: Commasto detach clauses and list items; ...
For further information on reference list format and order see Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed) sections 9.43 – 9.50. 6 27/02/2020 Western Sydney University Library APA Referencing Style Guide Example of a reference list: References Andreasen, N. C. (2001)....
Each page should be numbered, with the abstract page being page 2 (the title page is counted as page 1, but the number doesn’t appear there). The main body is broken down into a couple of sections. The main ones are the introduction, methods, arguments/discussions, and conclusions. ...
books:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdurhZuogXU&list=PLXTIiw7kQ0518yrXGOWUxMEz9jKXpUdUI. Citation The APA uses an author-date style of referencing with details entered in round brackets, for example:The traditional approach to human cognition is over-simplified in assuming that processing...
Tocitesecondarysources,refertobothsourcesinthetext,butincludeintheReferenceslistonlythesourcethatyouactuallyused.Forexample,supposeyoureadFielder(2008)andwouldliketoparaphrasethefollowingsentencewithinthatarticle:Braun(2008)definedbatspeedas"theabilitytocatchuptoabaseballwithamovingbat"(p.11). Inthiscase,yourin-...
must confirm in their covering letter that papers cited as "In press" have been accepted for publication. The reference list must be single-spaced and placed at the end of the text.References must be listed in alphabetical order according to the name of the first author and not numbered. ...