(2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States.Psychology of Popular Media Culture,8(3), 207-217.https://doi.org/example 文中引用 (in-text citation) 一至两名作者从第一次引用起: (García-López & Yelinek, 2019) ...
Depending on the types of sources used for your project, the structure for each citation may look different. There is a certain format or structure for books, a different one for journal articles, a different one for websites, and so on. Scroll down to find the appropriate APA format struc...
URLs and DOIs for a journal article come after the volume and issue number. After the period following the issue number, put a space followed by the full URL or DOI with no period at the end. Since URLs can potentially change and DOIs cannot, APA journal citation style recommends using a...
在文内引用(in-text citation)网站时,可以只列出作者的姓氏和文章的刊登年份。如果网页很长或很乱,可以加注需要阅读的某个特定节或段落。 使用APA格式引用网站的示例 引用的网页或文章的标题需要使用斜体。网页链接(URL)应当能够点击打开,而且不能添加任何额外的标点符号。
In-text citation 文中引用需要写明作者姓氏和文章发表年份,我们这里只讨论最常见的“indirect citation”,即作者的观点需要经过你的改写再出现在你的文章当中。 基本格式有两种: 1. 作者的姓氏出现在行文中,例如: Research by Sharma and Tan (1994) suggests... ...
APA Journal Citation Example with DOI Poiger, U. G. (1996). Rock 'n' roll, female sexuality, and the Cold War Battle over German Identities.The Journal of Modern History, 68(3), 577. doi:10.1086/245343 How to Format Film Citation ...
If you’re looking for more information on structuring journal articles, check out ourAPA journalpage. If you’re looking for a simple solution to referencing multiple authors, EasyBib.com creates in-text citations APA for you! Whether you need to create a reference for one or two authors, ...
btxleftparenthesis \btxflush{year} \btxrightparenthesis \btxperiod } \btxdoif {type} { \btxleftbracket \btxflush{type} \btxrightbracketperiod } \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volume-number-pages} \texdefinition{btx:apa:url-doi-note} \stopsetups % Testing \starttext Normal citations: ...
1.标明你用的词。这里不要用引号,后面加句点结尾。 例如:Citation. 2.标明出版日期。出版日期就是词典出版年份,用括号括起来,然后加句点。 例如:Citation. (2003). 3.标明编辑的名字,如果有的话。这个信息常常不出现。如果你确实没看到这个信息,就省略掉。