Zero trust beroperasi dengan prinsip “jangan percaya, selalu verifikasi” daripada memberikan kepercayaan implisit kepada semua pengguna di dalam jaringan. Pendekatan keamanan granular ini membantu mengatasi risikokeamanan siberyang ditimbulkan oleh pekerja jarak jauh, layananhybrid cloud, perangkat pribad...
Digital.Gov- Guidance and resources on building better digital services in government. Contributing If you don't have a GitHub, but have a resources that falls into the categories below you would like to contribute try putting the information in this Google Sheet here. We will look at incorpora...
Esri's Python For Everyone- This course provides the building blocks you need to use Python. You will create and run scripts using these building blocks, and you can apply them directly inside ArcGIS and to your own workflows. Coding for Planners: Up and Running with Python- Planetizen course...