InCitu - InCitu is an AR platform designed to support urban planners in the analysis and visualization of urban data by representing scale models of buildings, affordable housing, mixed-use development, parks, and bridges. Polycam - Polycam is a mobile application that allows planners to scan an...
Selain itu, mengetik dalam RichTextBox kontrol tidak lagi mengikat utas render selama input cepat. Penyempurnaan pemeriksaan ejaan Pemeriksa ejaan di WPF telah diperbarui pada Windows 8.1 dan versi yang lebih baru untuk memanfaatkan dukungan sistem operasi untuk pemeriksaan ejaan bahasa ...
InCitu- InCitu is an AR platform designed to support urban planners in the analysis and visualization of urban data by representing scale models of buildings, affordable housing, mixed-use development, parks, and bridges. Polycam- Polycam is a mobile application that allows planners to scan and ...