What is Love?Apa itu cinta?爱,是无微不至Love is unconditionalCinta tidak bersyarat是陪伴时Accompanying you in lifeMenemani anda dalam kehidupan小心翼翼的呵护Always to be cared for and protectedSentiasa dijaga dan dilindungi爱,是岁月静好Love as time goes byCinta seiring berjalannya waktu是成长中...
Gora Euskal Herria(Long live the Basque Country) Mutur Zikin Mutur's ranking of the best places to visite: Fallen in love with:Arantza,San Martin Unx,Artaitz,Elciego,Leintz Gatzaga,Urduña,Korres,Getaria,Bidarray,Areso,Elizondo,GastiainandIzaba. ...