1、APA 格式写作(一) 、APA格式认识 我国台湾地区教育相关系所或学术机构在撰写学位论文或研究报告时,经常遵守美国心理协会(American Psychological Assoc所t出版的出版手册 (Publica tion Man中有关投稿的相关规定。所谓APA格式是指美国心理协会(American Psychological Association 版的出版手册(Publica tion ManUa中,有...
APA members can also email Henry Bittaker at the address given for access to recordings of exam prep and practice question study sessions led by him. Literature Resources Resources linking to peer-reviewed journals or federal research aggregators of interest. These are not specific papers, but ...
InCitu- InCitu is an AR platform designed to support urban planners in the analysis and visualization of urban data by representing scale models of buildings, affordable housing, mixed-use development, parks, and bridges. Polycam- Polycam is a mobile application that allows planners to scan and ...
Information Technology and International Relations: Using On Line, Interactive Simulations to Transcend Time, Space, and AttitudesStover, William J
From Negro to New African: Decoding New African Spirituals to Understand Their Intended MeaningsKujichaguliaSeitu, Taiwo
Does TV Viewing Cultivate Meritocracy?Stavrositu, Carmen
Nitu, IonelMatei, Mihaela
Music and Public Opinion: A Reference-Group Based Analysis of the Relationship Between Musical Preferences and Political AttitudesTimpany, Jessica E
Online Political Debates: Evidence From a Content Analysis of BlogsStavrositu, Carmen
Comparing Approaches to Network Security: OECD and ITU Efforts to Promote a Secure InfosphereMcDowell, Stephen DSteinberg, Philip