InCitu - InCitu is an AR platform designed to support urban planners in the analysis and visualization of urban data by representing scale models of buildings, affordable housing, mixed-use development, parks, and bridges. Polycam - Polycam is a mobile application that allows planners to scan an...
1. Simple Present Tense,2. Past Tense, dan3. Future Tense.Itu dasarnya dalam berbahasa Inggris, untuk selebihnya bisa kamu pelajari lebih dalam yah.Kalau contoh lazim grammar yang kamu tanyakan, saya bisa bilang bahwa grammar itu kalimat atau susunan kalimat agar kamu lebih paham.I write...
InCitu- InCitu is an AR platform designed to support urban planners in the analysis and visualization of urban data by representing scale models of buildings, affordable housing, mixed-use development, parks, and bridges. Polycam- Polycam is a mobile application that allows planners to scan and ...