InCitu - InCitu is an AR platform designed to support urban planners in the analysis and visualization of urban data by representing scale models of buildings, affordable housing, mixed-use development, parks, and bridges. Polycam - Polycam is a mobile application that allows planners to scan an...
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Thus creating a plugin as easy as adding a new file under the plugin directory to do the job: # stdplugins/ @borg.on(slitu.admin_cmd(pattern="hi")) async def handler(event): await event.client.send_message( event.chat_id, "hey" ) learning Check out the already-mentioned...
正文中所引用的文献可以在正文后的文献列表中找到;文献列表中所列文献只能包括正 文中所引用的文献。2文献列表中的文献著录必须正确而完整。 因为列出著录参考文献的目的之一就是使读者能够检索并查找有关的资料来源,因此参 考文献著录必须正确且完整。3文献列表的顺序 先列中文文献,后列英文文献。 文献按作者姓氏...
InCitu- InCitu is an AR platform designed to support urban planners in the analysis and visualization of urban data by representing scale models of buildings, affordable housing, mixed-use development, parks, and bridges. Polycam- Polycam is a mobile application that allows planners to scan and ...